Search results

  1. J

    Borax, Borates, and my dog?

    I have had the most successful and trouble free pool summer since I started the BBB method when I replaced my liner in June! But, I am confused about the use of borax to raise PH, (which I haven't had to do since my initial filling of my new liner) and this thing about borates. I think I...
  2. J

    FAS DPD Testing

    I've searched and didn't find an answer to this. I'm new, this year, to the FAS chlorine test. I want to be sure on the amount of powder level when adding to the test tube. I take it for granted that each of the two scoops should be flush with the top of the little cup. What is the best way...
  3. J

    Thanks For All The Info!

    I've been lurking here for a couple months now, learning a lot. You guys are really a helpful bunch of people. This was my 8th season opening my above ground pool. But, this time was a little different. After we closed and covered it last fall, we noticed the inner tube in the center...