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  1. L

    Yet another rusty Intex pool thread

    1) I have the Ultra Frame 22' x52" this is year 3 and 2 legs rusted through at the bottom. 2) I bought 2 new legs (stupid expensive- $40 ea. how bad is that?) 3) 6-7 more were not far behind 4) I drained the pool today to replace the 2 legs and I pulled out 6-7 and turned them upside down. No...
  2. L

    Can a degrading marcite pool surface contribute to the calcium level increasing?

    I haven't visited for awhile, as you can see I am in the industry. This past year I have directed dozens of pool owners to this site because it is the single most informative and accurate site on the internet. Here is my scenario- this is an indoor pool the water was replaced on 7/1/13. I...
  3. L

    Proof that hope exists for the Pool Industry Professions

    On my desk today is a copy Service Industry News. On the front page it reads, "Cyanuric Acid & Chlorine: It's all about the ratio". As I read it it is spot on and in agreement with what is provided here. The best part is, it sites the extensive research done by Richard Falk in this field, I...
  4. L

    Understanding the FC/CYA chart

    I am either miss-understanding your statement or I have missed the boat in my understanding of the FC/CYA chart provided here. My understanding is that FC is FC no matter how much CYA is in the water. HOWEVER the more CYA that is in the water the more FC is required in order to be effective...
  5. L

    First timer

    If you were to read my bio you would see that I am in the business. Sure I have a 18' above ground pool but that's not why I am here. I am here to say thank you. This is an awesome forum. I belong to just a couple others and this one ranks up there with the best in terms of patient veterans and...