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  1. L

    FOUND ~ 1 Bug!! :(

    HELP!!! :shock: I was cleaning out stuff from the pool this evening, and I saw something black darting around under the water... When I shined my headlight on it (it was very dark out), the bug (or whatever it was) took off.... Of course, I panicked...... LOL So I grabbed the...
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    New to pools and need help please :D

    Thanks for the happy dance insertion Mermaid Queen!!!! LMBO :lol:
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    New to pools and need help please :D

    Alrighty. :) Just did tests and TC is 2.5----was darker than 2 and lighter than 3, and pH color was slightly redder than 6.8 but not near 7.2 = so I am assuming its around 7.0, and the TA is at 6 (60 ppm). Should I use Baking Soda to raise both the pH and the Alkalinity? Thank you for...
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    New to pools and need help please :D

    Hey JasonLion, anyone ever tell you that your a lifesaver? :super: :party: :cheers: Thank you sooooo much! (times a gazillion) Thinking I will stop using the puck/tablet things.... And am heading out right now to add the bleach and borax. BTW--did I mention I have a habit of making...
  5. L

    New to pools and need help please :D

    Thank you very much JohnT and JasonLion!!! Went and got the HTH 6 way test :-D and here are the results: TC--0.5 pH--6.8 CYA--30 ppm---the solution never went cloudy when i mixed it, and the little black dot in the bottom of the vial never disappeared. :?: TA--50 ppm TH--260 ppm...
  6. L

    New to pools and need help please :D

    Oh, another question----- Will I have to drain the pool and start all over if I want/have to quit using the HTH Stabilized Chlorinator tablets and switch to the BBB method? :shock: :? Thanks for all your patience with this newbie! :wink: :-D
  7. L

    New to pools and need help please :D

    :shock: Oh no..... Well, hopefully everything underneath the pool will just die off----We did put the tarp down though. LOL Now there is a concern with the new 10ft pool with a filter---- :roll: Hubby picked up this container that reads: HTH- Pace- Dual Action 1"...
  8. L

    New to pools and need help please :D

    Thank you for all of your help, it is really appreciated. Now hubby went and bought a 10ft round AG with a pump/filter which was on sale. :shock: :roll: :lol: So the filter issue is solved..... LOL But now I am wondering, for an above ground pool, is it necessary to put a tarp down...
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    New to pools and need help please :D

    Thank you Buggsw! :-D No, it wouldn't be good for him to get a rash or other sort of illness, seeings how he already has allergic reactions to mosquito and spider bites. :cry: Learning that the hard way was tough enough. Thank you everyone for all your help! I have learned more in the...
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    New to pools and need help please :D

    Thank you very much for the warm welcome :-D and the information on how to get started! From Arizona: Thank you. :-D Do ya think my son will mind if i use his pool noodle as a stir stick for circulation? :wink: :lol: The Mermaid Queen and duraleigh: Thank you very much for that info...
  11. L


    Hello :D As you can tell, i luv2swim LOL and just recently got an above ground pool that my husband and i can share with our son---i've only really dealt with the little ones for him and know nothing about having a bigger one and how to maintain it. So I thought I would join and see if...
  12. L

    New to pools and need help please :D

    Hello :-D I am in dire need of help. :? We just recently bought an Above Ground 8ft Round, 30 inch high vinyl pool that raises itself as it fills, which did not come with a filter. Being on a limited budget since I don't work in the summer, I am trying to find out the easiest way to...