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  1. J

    Oklahoma City Pool Remodel Advice and Insight Needed (Pictures Inside)

    Really happy with how it turned out. Some small cosmetic issues from concrete getting on tile but, otherwise looking great.
  2. J

    Oklahoma City Pool Remodel Advice and Insight Needed (Pictures Inside)

    ***would NOT need the TA or soda ash..
  3. J

    Oklahoma City Pool Remodel Advice and Insight Needed (Pictures Inside)

    Thanks I use the tfp method and have really only used bleach and acid for last few years but, this being new plaster is any of the other stuff needed? On well water...pool store said I would needed the TA or soda ash as the new plaster will cause high alkalinity. PB said the opposite so I am not...
  4. J

    Oklahoma City Pool Remodel Advice and Insight Needed (Pictures Inside)

    Will have more pictures to upload very soon as we are currently putting water in the pool. Question about the chemicals. My pool builder recommended I buy the following: 1 Qt beautytech 2 Qt stain control 1 Qt Algea 60 % 2 gal. Of stabilizer 6 lbs alkalinity 5 lbs soda ash 1 Qt clarifier...
  5. J

    Oklahoma City Pool Remodel Advice and Insight Needed (Pictures Inside)

    Concrete coping with Italian slate finish. Deck with same slate finish.
  6. J

    Oklahoma City Pool Remodel Advice and Insight Needed (Pictures Inside)

    Some updated pics: Plumbing will be finished today and the concrete company is stopping by to discuss final design touches. Might actually get to swim before it gets too cold! (fingers crossed)
  7. J

    Oklahoma City Pool Remodel Advice and Insight Needed (Pictures Inside)

    Thank you Ryan - love your pool! My coping will be very similar just radius instead of straight. I am excited as we are moving along nicely now after significant delays and a difficult contractor situation.
  8. J

    Oklahoma City Pool Remodel Advice and Insight Needed (Pictures Inside)

    As I get ready to fill the pool I'm worried about the high mineral content in my water (mainly calcium...I'm on well water) I'm wondering if anyone can recommend a way to filter my hose water as I fill???
  9. J

    Oklahoma City Pool Remodel Advice and Insight Needed (Pictures Inside)

    Here is the tile we chose and is already installed. Will post other pictures soon.
  10. J

    Oklahoma City Pool Remodel Advice and Insight Needed (Pictures Inside)

    I really like the way that looks - mine would essentially be the same without the "stone" stamp...would be a slate stamp with similar color. Thank you for sharing! Anyone have any comment on the plaster cost? I am still waiting to hear back from my pool subcontractor.
  11. J

    Oklahoma City Pool Remodel Advice and Insight Needed (Pictures Inside) baack and we are at the point now where I really have to decide on the plaster type and color and coping type/color as well. For the deck we are doing a slate stamp and light stain so it is not slick or too hot. My concrete guy suggested concrete coping and my pool guy is suggesting...
  12. J

    Oklahoma City Pool Remodel Advice and Insight Needed (Pictures Inside)

    Thank you again - I really like the way that looks! Added bonus if it is cooler on the feet as I have two little ones. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. J

    Oklahoma City Pool Remodel Advice and Insight Needed (Pictures Inside)

    We tried our Nextdoor neighborhood and got a few recommendations of people not to call and one good company who we are getting a bid from. Would just love a few bids to pick from. Thank you for the spray deck idea - is there a name for the product? Is it concrete/plaster/stucco? Sent from...
  14. J

    Oklahoma City Pool Remodel Advice and Insight Needed (Pictures Inside)

    Tell me about it. Only one of them is dead too. The other one is out there lurking. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. J

    Oklahoma City Pool Remodel Advice and Insight Needed (Pictures Inside)

    So...we bought our house a couple years ago and the pool and equipment came "as-is". We knew that it would need work but, have delayed as long as possible. Two copperheads appearing on our deck at our labor day party has expedited this to emergency status. The deck surrounding the pool is in...
  16. J

    Cloudy water - misused stabilizer granules?

    I am on it and will report back.
  17. J

    Cloudy water - misused stabilizer granules?

    Alrighty so I tested this morning and my FC was 2.5 and CC was still .5.
  18. J

    Cloudy water - misused stabilizer granules?

    Thank you - I will test in the morning and post results.
  19. J

    Cloudy water - misused stabilizer granules?

    Bleach - Clorox brand from Sams.
  20. J

    Cloudy water - misused stabilizer granules?

    Hello all! TFP was a big help to me when I did my SLAM last year but, now I have a different question. I did a Drain & Refill to open the pool this season (for a couple different reasons) and my water readings were like so: FC 4 ph 7.2 CYA 0 CH 300 TA - 180 - 350 (not sure I am reading it...
  21. J

    Question: Polaris p955 or Dolphin Oasis Z5 Robotic Pool Cleaner?

    Curious if you decided on one and how it is working this summer?
  22. J

    Help with Suction clog or other issue...?

    An update - I just went out there and saw bubble coming out of a return jet. It would appear I have some air in the line. Could that caused the reduced suction? How do I troubleshoot this? Thanks again for all of the help!!!
  23. J

    Help with Suction clog or other issue...?

    Well I just tried rigging it with a rag to no avail. I did see some small particles come back to skimmer line but nothing even remotely big enough to clog. Hmmmmm. I have a pool company coming out tomorrow hopefully they can diagnose and pprescribe a low cost solution.
  24. J

    Help with Suction clog or other issue...?

    Yes - I think I did suck something in there while I was vacuuming yesterday. Im wondering how I get it unclogged. Sorry I know I am a novice! :) Yes Skimmer is full of water.
  25. J

    Help with Suction clog or other issue...?

    So...I am getting about half or less of the normal suction from my skimmer basket line. This is also the line that I vacuum and is the only line for the pool as the main drain is capped off. There is another suction line for the spa that is "over-suctioning" and draining whenever I run the pool...
  26. J

    ALright - Im back with normal CYA

    Thank you! Any secret to adding ma to the pool? Should I just slowly pour it directly in the pool by a return jet? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  27. J

    ALright - Im back with normal CYA

    Okay so I believe my SLAM is through. I can see the main drain in the deep end and I am holding on to Chlorine. Did the OCLT last night - had a 6 FC and woke up with FC 5.5. I'll take a pic and upload it later today. Here are my current readings: FC 6 CC .5 PH 8.2 TA 220 CH 415 CYA 30 - been...
  28. J

    ALright - Im back with normal CYA

    Good points. My kids are 5 & 7 and will stay in shallow end only. They are not strong swimmers so I will be in pool with them the whole time. My main concern was about the chemicals. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  29. J

    ALright - Im back with normal CYA

    ALrighty - still slamming here in Oklahoma - we can now see the bottom of the pool in the shallow end! Water is looking good but still need to get it quite a bit clearer before I can stop the SLAM. That being said I was wondering if this would be okay...any issue with me letting my FC level...