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  1. Chasville

    Water level for built in skimmers.

    Here's a dumb question. I have an in ground pool. On the side is a "skimmer" The water level can be below the skimmer level, where it obviously doesn't work, and it can be above the skimmer level = ditto. But the opening is about 4 or 6 inches high. If the water level is on the high side...
  2. Chasville

    Next ?? Silver Ions

    So silver ions are supposed to act as an anti-microbial agent right? How? and why is it considered to be too slow? I'm not talking algae here, so please don't comment on plant life. Let's stay with bacteria and viruses.
  3. Chasville

    Calling WB + CG -- Redox ??

    WaterBear made this statement in a posting I just read I remember reading elsewhere, multiple times, that the Redox "value" for Ozone was 2.0, not 1.24. So, what's the deal?
  4. Chasville

    Aeration does what?

    Ok, I've read a bunch of stuff about aeration affecting pH and TA. I don't get it. Isn't aeration simply either passing air through the water, or passing the water through the air? I can understand how aerating in this way can affect the desolved gas levels in the water, CO2, Chlorine, Oxygen...
  5. Chasville

    Ok, so why the Borax? What's the history? Scoop? ...

    I've read through the materials, but I'd like to know why the innovation of using Borax and/or Boric acid in the method? Jason Lions' article said the Borates were beyond the scope of the article. ================================================= Oooops, I hate getting old,.... Just found the...
  6. Chasville

    How do youi tell? Black? Green? Mustard?

    I thought algae was green. What is black algae and how do you tell you have it or the beginnings of pool stains (silver or copper)? What is mustard algae?
  7. Chasville

    Hey there, intro, my story.

    Introducing myself -- an old newbie. Bought a house 2 years ago with an inground pool. Never owned or managed a pool before. First year, first opening, what a mess, too many trees near the uncovered pool. lots of vacuuming, scooping, bleach, backwashing, etc. Finally got into a routine...