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  1. P


    Howdy! So I have kept my current 18 foot AGP for the last 2 years with the cheap Intex sand filter and well, its a constant struggle. I live in the Mojave desert and the sand storms and blow sand are killing me. Its always windy here. I'm willing to put in the work, but this filter is just...
  2. P

    Wife said no way! - Did so much work, leveling the ground, prepping the surface, laying down mat....

    So like i said, did all this work. Got the 18'x52" pool up, its almost full! My wife took one step onto the ladder and looked at me, "No way in heck im climbing this thing, enjoy your pool". ACK! The ladder is really wobbly and not very sturdy! WHAT DO I DO? I'm all out of money and ideas...
  3. P

    Topper options for my 18' AGP

    Howdy folks, I live in the desert with all this nasty dirt, sand, dust, and wind. I would like something easy I can put on top when its not in use to limit the amount of dirt I get in the pool. I also don't think my pool has a built in skimmer. The pool comes with a fabric/plastic top but those...
  4. P

    Moss? Weird growing stuff floating in the pool and exessively cloudy

    Hey guys and gals, been a long time since i last needed your help. This year after pulling the cover after the harsh socal winters in the high desert. Kiddding. I have been fighting it on the weekends when i can get to it. I have what looks like moss? floating on the surface. If you try to...
  5. P

    Intex Pump Upgrade help!

    Hey guys! I know you get this alot but here goes. I recently purchased a 12' pool from Wally world. The same size and type as my friend who purchased one months ago before summer time. Here is my issue. We both have the skimmer built in the side of the pool but his takes a long filter and mine...
  6. P

    New Pool, now what?

    Hey everyone, To our family discussed it and we decided to get a Intex 18'x48" AGP I built it, after about 1.5 hours with my shirt off i was cooked like a lobster. Thank god i was done. Took about 24 hours to fill up(Sunday) We have been swimming in it since. About 3 times a day. The Water is...