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  1. M

    Need Help once again please

    Thank you so much for everyones advice. I will advise my husband when he gets home and we will begin the process. I forgot to remove the nature 2 from my information. We no longer use that because we found out that exact information. As i said i know the tablets are not the best but i just can...
  2. M

    Need Help once again please

    Thank you for your reply. I performed step 8 and came up With 70 so that would be 140
  3. IMG_4900 (1).jpg

    IMG_4900 (1).jpg

  4. M

    Need Help once again please

    SO last week I opened my pool and it looked like a green muddy swamp! I dont know why i did this because i know better to balance ph first (senior moment maybe)BUT, I started to add shock and turned my chlorine to high and vacuumed and shocked and vacuumed constantly. I know you say to use...
  5. M

    Algae AND iron

    thanks for your help. But the pool is clearing up again
  6. M

    Algae AND iron

    As for a pic i will try.. my camera is not that great. As for test results i have ordered a kit but hasnt come yet so i went and got new reagents at walmart for chlorine and ph for old kit till new one comes. There are no numbers to give because the color is beyond what is on the chart.
  7. M

    Algae AND iron

    Ok so now I am confused more. I put the sequestrant and shocked the pool, at 9pm last night it was almost completely clear, so i set my chlorinator to full to kill the rest of the algae. I went to bed and thought when a get up I will vacuum and be ready for swimming. when i woke up my steps...
  8. M

    Algae AND iron

    I will do that thanks
  9. M

    Algae AND iron

    Hi everyone, Another year of start up pool was almost completely drained in closing by mistake by my loving brother. I had uncoered it this year to find a little algae so it took 2 days to fill it back up. In that time the algae grew and our water has alot of iron in it. So my...
  10. M

    vimyl liner wrinkles

    Thank you for your input. It is greatly appreciated. Yes my water bill has been pretty high each year around this time. I decided I was not not going to try to use a shop vac for the reason you have said. I am in new york about 70 miles north of NYC I empty the pool just below the skimmer and...
  11. M

    vimyl liner wrinkles

    Ok its 245 am and I should be sleeping but cant because of this darn pool. Our pool was installed in 2004..on opening in 2005 there were a few wrinkles in the liner. WE never owned a pool before this so we are learning as we go. I called a local pool company, they were super nice and...
  12. M

    Green Pool

    Thanks all for your input. I will keep the fc up the highest I can and let u know.
  13. M

    Green Pool

    Ok an update on my pool. After reading your comments I immediately started the BBB method within days the pool was crystal clear. looks beautiful, Thanks for all your help. As I mentioned on my last post I had small white foam bubbles, I was told by a friend it was from the alaecide I...
  14. M

    Green Pool

    Thanks for your help. I started the BBB method and the pool is totally clear! Yeah!!!!!! Now have white foam bubbles on top of water, was told by a friend it is from the algaecide and will go away. Lets hope so.
  15. M

    Green Pool

    Thank you.
  16. M

    Green Pool

    Thank you for your help. I have started to read the suggested articles and will start on on the pool in about an hour. Another question I have been looking for the answer to and can not find. Could I just stop using the nature 2 filter and start the BBB method?
  17. M

    Green Pool

    Hi, I need help badly for my pool. I have a 17X32 inground pool with nature 2 system. I opened it up 2 weeks ago to find a seriously green pool. I started with shock clarifier and algecide. I tried to vacuum what I could, but it was to green to see anything. After days of chemicals and testing...