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  1. J

    New at this pool thing, help :)

    Ok measured levels this morning after 4 bleaches last night - water is still cloudy and we have some white stuff floating on the top - FC - 1 CC - 0 pH - 7.4 TA - 40 CH - 90 CYA - i don't get this one, it says to fill small tube till can't see the black dot, i get it to the top and i can still...
  2. J

    New at this pool thing, help :)

    So here are all the levels this morning after the four bleach last night - and looks like we have some white stuff floating on the top of the pool today - still cloudy FC - 1 CC - 0 PH - 7.4 TA - 40 CH - 90 CYA - not sure about this one - it says to fill up the small tube till no black dot, I...
  3. J

    New at this pool thing, help :)

    We have a 22' x 4' round pool, we forgot to tarp it and have been bleaching the tar out of it to get rid of the green, it was really swampy!!! we even had tadpoles :) - we got it to a cloudy greyish green color now and added 4 more bleach - i tested the H20 after adding the bleach and we are at...