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  1. S

    Layer of thick spongy stuffing top of sand in filter

    Cracked open the sand filter head and on top of the sand today I found this thick spongy stuff. I removed most of it by hand and have back washed several times about every 30 minutes today for about 3 hours. I've put algaecide in it and over shocked. There are still some smaller pieces of this...
  2. S

    Best place to buy a refurb or blemishes hot tub?

    I've seen some online but seems the prices are the same as new ones. I bought one cheap from craigslist, but several leaks in the piping. Thoughts on having someone repair all that? Heater and most jets work. AG vinyl 18x33 oval, 15,000 gal. Single speed aquamaster/Clearwater 19" 1hp multi...
  3. S

    Everlasting algae...maybe gone now

    After many nights reading, I have joined to post. Long story made short, I think our everlasting algae is defeated for good. A few things I've learned: 1. Don't use pea gravel in the "weight jugs" for your wedding cake steps. 2. Don't expect to "floc" with any success until your FC and...