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  1. B

    This site rocks! Don't lose heart over green monsters!

    After opening up the pool to a green sludgy mess due to several leaks in the cover I revisited this site to figure out what to do. I've owned the pool for 3 years, used the BBB method from the start with the test kit from this site and never looked back or regretted it. When I first saw the...
  2. B


    I wanted to send out some kudos to this website and all of it's helpful information. We bought and set up our pool using many of the ideas found here. We kept our pool blue and lovely all last summer with the TF100 test kit- once you "get it"- it really is a great way of keeping up with the...
  3. B

    very confused and please needing advice

    I have repeatedly read all that I could about the BBB method and we are using it on the new pool we just bought. I am confused about many things and my husband and I are getting frustrated and don't know if this is the right method for us?I have several questions that I hope you can help me...
  4. B

    So thankful to have found you!

    Before finding this site I was feeling so overwhelmed I was getting sick to my stomach over having made the "mistake" of buying an AG pool. We had already bought an above ground pool from a local dealer before I discovered you guys and spent 2 days reading up and totally ignoring all around me...