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  1. S

    New pool owner green water

    Day 52, 27 days after rebuilding the filter i can say the pool is clean and clear. Just in time to winterize, we did get to use the pool the weekend after Labor Day, the...
  2. S

    New pool owner green water

    Update Day 22 decide to deep clean filter. When i tried to remove the valve the center pvc with laterals attached pulled up. When i looked inside the filter was less than half full of sand, three broken laterals.( previous owner told me he just redid the filter) Called pool store in town, 2...
  3. S

    New pool owner green water

    When I brush there is very little debris, little pieces of leaves, I don't get anything with leaf rake, I will up my FC look at the filter. Thanks
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    New pool owner green water

    Algae - starting to lose hope Please keep related posts in one thread. It makes it easier on everyone. -Karmabiker Hello, I started a post,, have been slamming for 14 days. The first five days the filter was on recirculate...
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    New pool owner green water

    Day 14 FC 12 CC 3 CYA 30 TA 100 PH 7.2 Water is still light green with light foam on top , filter has been running continuously since day 5, took a couple of days for it to run more than 12 hours between backwash. I will try a picture again...
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    New pool owner green water

    Day 5 and my FC is coming up and CC is staying at 2.5 down from 11.
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    New pool owner green water Bleach cemetary
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    New pool owner green water

    Follow up, asked the wife to help with tests, she did a side by side comparison speed stir vs manual and guess what? She got the same results each time, so turns out it was operator error(or as i put it, don't over think it). Will post pictures later, apparently my camera can not take small...
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    New pool owner green water

    Thanks based on your response I tested again and my FC 3.5 and CC 11.
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    New pool owner green water

    Ok i have read a bunch of threads on fas-dpd testing but it seems with the taylor speed stir my readings on the same sample are different. I have read that a drop of 871 a second until clear, but what is clear, as soon as it goes clear i stop adding 871 and it turns pink. Right now i am...
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    New pool owner green water

    After 18 bottles of bleach, Now off to Wally to get more.
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    New pool owner green water

    confused fc - 11 cc keeps dropping an hour ago 1.5 now .5.
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    New pool owner green water

    Thanks that was kinda what i was thinking, but not sure. The turtle shell from the bottom.
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    New pool owner green water

    Went and got a bunch more bleach and then started the Slam at 11:30, testing every hour and adding a couple gallons of bleach each hour to remain at shock of 10. My next problem is that my filter is losing pressure pretty quick(water is nasty) i am having to refill with well water. The pressure...
  18. S

    New pool owner green water

    Got a leaf net on Monday spent Tuesday dragging filth off the bottom, got a turtle shell(will post pic later). Got my TF-100 in today test as follows. C & FC - 0 Ch - 100 ppm CYA - 10 or less than ( added 6lbs stabilizer last week) TA - 120 PH - 7.2 Temp 76 Should i start slamming or try to...
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    New pool owner green water

    CYA was testing at zero, just ordered a tf-100 should be in Wed, I spent days clearing leaves off of the bottom last year, cleared the cover of leaves and while waiting for test kit started sweeping the bottom of the pool and I don't know if i will ever get 100% of the solids off of the bottom...
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  21. S

    New pool owner green water

    Hello all, Need advice on whether to drain or fight with chemicals. We bought our house a year ago in a short sale. The pool was a pond, and the owner at the time said he had never seen it that green. He went to the pool store and they said to put two boxes of green to blue in. The sale...