Search results

  1. R

    Question about CH test

    I have a question about the CH test in the TF100 test kit. When testing my CH the solution starts to turn blue with many red specs at about 140, the solution does not turn COMPLETELY blue with no red specs until about 250. My assumption is that the 250 is the correct reading. Am I correct?
  2. R

    Consistently rising pH

    Over the last month the pH in my pool has been consistently rising to the point where I need to add Dry Acid on a weekly basis. My numbers are below: FC/CC: 3.5/0 TA: 100 CH: 200 pH: 8.2 I live in the Northeast where we have had some rain but I don't think it's been more than in past seasons...
  3. R

    Sta-Rite Max-E-Therm heaters

    My Hayward H350 Natural Gas Heater is shot. I am looking at a Sta-Rite Max-E-Therm 333K BTU as a replacement. I've done quite a bit of searching online and I can't find much on heater reviews or comparisons. Has anybody had any issues with this heater or have any good feedback on it? Does...
  4. R

    Add DE after backwashing

    I just opened my pool this weekend and have been running the filter continuously to get the water clean. Given the amount of dirt and leaves in the water I've had to backwash several times and suspect I may need to do it a couple more times before it can run on a shorter schedule with more...
  5. R

    Brown spots on pool bottom

    I've recently noticed patches of brown spots on my pool bottom in the deep end. Neither brushing nor vacuuming remove the spots. My current readings are: FC: 10.5 CC: 0 pH: 7.2 TA: 210 CH: 380 CYA: 90 Does anybody have any idea what the spots might be and how I can get rid of them?
  6. R

    Impact of rain on water balance

    What impact, if any, does rain have on FC, pH and TA?
  7. R

    Cloudy water in pump

    When I checked my filter basket today (after the pump had been off for about 15 minutes) the water in the pump was a cloudy grey. The water in the pool is totally clear and my testing indicates that FC is at normal levels (11.5, CC is 0.5 and CYA is 90). Both the filter basket and skimmer basket...
  8. R

    Question about raising pH

    I have a question about raising low pH. My current readings are: FC: 1 pH: 6.8 TA: 110 CYA: 50 I have added 3lbs. of pH raiser but the pH level is not increasing (the reading above was taken about 2 hours after adding the pH raiser and is basically the same as the reading taken before adding...
  9. R

    Solar cover questions

    Can I operate my filter and polaris with the solar cover on?
  10. R

    Solar they work, are they safe

    I am considering getting a solar fish to help keep the heat in the pool. Do they really work? And is anybody aware of any safety testing done on them? I have two little kids and I want to make sure what they are swimming in is safe.
  11. R

    Setting desired temperature on heater

    I have a Hayward H350 with a knob controlled thermostat (as opposed to a digital thermostat). Yesterday I had the heater on with the knob set to about 1/3 of the way between Minimum and Maximum (what I thought was a relatively low setting). However, the pool had reached a temperature of 78...