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  1. S

    Rusted wall

    Sounds like we may be at the end of pool ownership. 😞 not in the budget to replace. Going to attempt lowering the water level as this is high up on the wall, and try to take a look at the inside behind the liner.
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    Rusted wall

    Was hoping for something more optimistic. Is it possible to repair without completely draining tha pool? Would prefer not to have an empty pool over the winter.
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    Rusted wall

    Closing up my above ground 24’ pool and found a rust spot with some moisture under the deck. Is there a way to repair without emptying out the pool and removing the liner? Any type of epoxy? We haven’t noticed a leak inside the pool.
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    Screen tent ideas

    I have a 24’ round pool. We lose a month each year due to the cotton fluff (spring snow) that comes off the poplar trees near me. Consistent layer in pool if we have it open. We have a short season as it is and would like to find a way for more time. I also use solar for heat. I found a pool...
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    Recommendations on pool cleaners

    I have had lots of difficulty with hose based vacuums that I gave up on them and purchased a Doherty Aquabot Jetdrive AG. Unfortunately it died right before the end of season 2. Planning on opening my above ground pool the first week of June and since I wasn’t able to do the best cleaning...
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    Clorox vs Chlorine

    Are there other additives that we need to watch out for when looking at bleach alternatives? What is a good percentage? Found a restaurant supplier selling Germicidal bleach with 5.7% available chlorine.
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    Clorox vs Chlorine

    Thanks, was also wondering about the outside bleach. On the hunt for bleach! Have 4 bottles and a month before pool opening in CT.
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    Increasing CYA

    Started out with a possible zero in CYA, I have been building it back up but ran out of stabilizer. At about 25 for an above ground 24ft round pool. Goal is 30-50. Would using 1 of those chlorinating pucks help bring up the CYA? As they are sold individually at walmart, thought it might be an...
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    When do you close your pool?

    I’m in Connecticut and the leaves have been falling for the past month, most of August. It’s a hassle and will likely close the pool next week even if the water temp isn’t 60. Need to get some trees cut down. ;). Usually close around Labor Day.
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    slamming question

    It did not go all green, was cloudy some visible green on the return jet. Levels were doing good and put the solar cover on since kids were away for a couple days, got cloudy next day and started to increase chlorine levels the following day. Finally decided that it wasn't getting any better...
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    Best SWG for above ground pools?

    Curious what you went with and are you happy with the results? What size are you using and how long do you run the pump?
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    slamming question

    I am in the process of SLAMming, day 4. algae seems to be gone but pool is still cloudy. We have changed filter twice and the vacuum bags are no longer green after vacuuming. Still working on keeping chlorine level high and family getting frustrated that they can not swim. My CYA levels have...
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    Ground mount solar rack?

    I am ready to build some type of rack for solar panels. I had laid them on the ground, but they got damaged within a week. My pool was much warmer even though they were facing north. I have seen some that were made using pvc rather than wood. Wondering if that is study enough? I am planning on...
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    Why the recommendation for using a sock in front of a return to add CYA?

    The first time I added CYA via stabilizer in my pool I added to the skimmer. Had to keep adding it. When we cleaned out our filter the bottom of the container was filled with the white powder. It didn't dissolve. Basically money going down the drain. I also learned that I need to change out...
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    First time closer

    Hi, I previously read the closing article as well as a few others on the site. Maybe some of those parts don't relate to my above ground pool. I have since picked up a cover for the pool, just need to look for a leaf cover. What is a spider gasket? I will check with the pool store to find out...
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    filter pressure issue

    We submerse the hose in the water to remove the air and then try to attach it to the hole in the skimmer with out introducing too much air. Our pump does not have any switches to change between pump and vacuum. We usually unplug the pump while we are switching between the two. The filter...
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    filter pressure issue

    We are still learning how to use our system and have a question about the filter system. We have a Clean Water II cartridge system that came with our ag pool this year. When we switch from running the regular pool filter to running the vacuum, we constantly have to re pressurize the filter...
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    First time closer

    So we put up an above ground pool this season, dealt with algae since my CYA/ chlorine was too low. SLAMed the pool, and am finally at good levels. And just passed my 3rd and final town inspection last week. Yeah! Thanks for all the forum information! Since it has been a pretty cool summer...