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  1. J

    Vinyl pool is like sandpaper

    I have been trying to get my pool up for a few weeks now but weather has been sketchy. so I notice my liner is coated with a sandpaper like coating that will not brush off Calcium I'm thinking? not sure but I need some help getting it cleaned up! here are my test results from today FC 3 PH 7.6...
  2. J

    Just starting new pool with swg

    I have my salt in and have been adding cya have added 4lbs and im running pump only to circulate salt. Should I get some liquid bleach and muratic acid for when I start swg this afternoon at 3:00 pm will be my 24hrs? HELP please If so how much should I add?
  3. J

    Need help with pump pres. after first backwash

    We just installed this pool and as per instructions did a backwash and then rinse but the pressure is staying in the yellow abt 12 psi?? tried the backwash/rinse several times same results? any idea what I may have wrong