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  1. S

    1 lb baking soda

    Approx how much does a pound of baking soda bring up the TA in a 10,000 gallons?
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    Pinch-a-penny... Friend or Foe?

    *update* (a bit delayed I know) After I only dropped the one ppm I let the chorline levels go back to normal and maintained them there. The black/green spots completely disappeared on their own. I gave them a good scrub with a wire brush for good measure. Thought I would also mention that I...
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    Pinch-a-penny... Friend or Foe?

    Great advice! Thanks!
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    Pinch-a-penny... Friend or Foe?

    Ok. Lastnight before bed I had 23ppm, this morning after a touch of son(7:30am), I had 22. Twelve hours later, 7:30pm it's down 8ppm. I should mention I've had the pump running through out the night and during the day. Am I done with shocking now since I only lost one ppm over night or...
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    Pinch-a-penny... Friend or Foe?

    A few or more questions during the shock... Last night my FC was 23, this morning it was down to 20. Today after work and some light rain it was down to 17. That means something is gobbling up my FC and I should bring it back up to shock level right? Anything besides pH spike during shock...
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    pool fencing laws

    What about a screen encloser? Are you ok as long as the door stays locked?
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    Pinch-a-penny... Friend or Foe?

    You guys have been a great help! I've already learned a lot and feel 100% more confident. Reebok, nice to know you're your chlorine/CYA levels are in line with mine with no problem. Rainy season is upon us so I expect the CYA to drop. I am wondering if I should maintain these levels in SW...
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    Pinch-a-penny... Friend or Foe?

    OK, I tested the pool again today. The chlorine is down to about 9ppm and for sheets and giggles I checked the CYA myself and came up with 70ppm. I am starting to have serious doubts about PAP's advice and ability to test with accurate results... 70ppm is getting up there, so I am going to...
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    Pinch-a-penny... Friend or Foe?

    It's all coming together. So once I get my CYA where it needs to be (around 50) then I should stop using pucks completely as long as the CYA stays at the level I want. When it starts to drop, go back to using pucks. Otherwise the CYA will continue to climb if I constantly use the pucks on a...
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    Pinch-a-penny... Friend or Foe?

    Was he right about the tablet usage and liquid to powder conversion? Yes, I've read the pool school atleast twice so far but I'll read it again. It was just throwing me off because I was so far off from PAP but DB fan cleared that up. I scoured this site before the deal on the house was final...
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    Pinch-a-penny... Friend or Foe?

    That makes sense. I knew I did the test right but couldn't figure out why the PAP's chlorine levels seemed so far off! I find it a bit surprising a pool store only test up to 5ppm.
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    Pinch-a-penny... Friend or Foe?

    I added 2lbs of dry chlorine to my 10,000g last night. I came up with 16ppm a few hours after. Today it was down to 12.5ppm. I was told if the chlorine doesn't hold over night, I should have my water tested for phosphates. So I brought my super duper water sample to PAP to test for...