Search results

  1. R

    Lateral assembly replacement on Hayward S-220

    Happy pool opening season (for all us northerners)! Got mine open this past weekend only to notice after a day of running the pump that I was spraying a lot of sand into my fairly clean (considering the winter) pool. Sure enough, upon removing the lateral assembly, I had a cracked center pipe...
  2. R

    Chlorine cost in Ontario

    I've been reading a lot of the cost comparison threads, and I feel like I may be doing something wrong with my calculations when I'm trying to figure out if my local pool store (Pioneer Pools in Kitchener, ON) is my best deal for chlorine. I buy refillable 10L jugs (aprox 338 US oz) for...
  3. R

    Are these safe swim numbers?

    Hi All I'm part way through my first SLAM after recently discovering this site. My wife just told me she is having some kids over for a swim tonight and I'm wondering if I need to tell her to cancel. Here are my numbers: FC - 12 CC - 0.9 PH - 7.8 CYA - 5 TA - 120 I've read here that you...