Search results

  1. D

    Cicada invasion!

    Here on the East Coast, we are starting to hear about the impending emergence of Brood II 17-year cicadas. Apparently billions of them. Yuck! I was wondering what to expect in terms of possible pool issues. I didn't have a pool for the last go around with these bugs, but I remember them...
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    Pool cleaner connection

    We currently have a Hayward Phantom pool cleaner, a pressure-side cleaner with a booster pump. It works great when it works, but sadly that is not very often. :( We have replaced lots of parts, over and over again, and are just tired of having to fix it. We are thinking of getting a new...
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    SNOW! And I havent closed yet!

    Okay, I havent closed my inground pool yet, and the weatherman says 3-6" of snow tomorrow! :shock: Wasnt planning on closing until next weekend when both DH and I are off work. Whats my best course of action? DH says we need to drain some, but I think leave it alone and just let the pump run...
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    my backyard oasis

    I've been lurking here for a while now and I guess it's time to show you my pool. Thanks to everyone who posts here, the information has been priceless. Thanks for looking!
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    The Great Blizzard of '09!

    For all you snow lovers.....20" of snow and counting... :shock: The pool is in the fence here somewhere...
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    Pool closed, now I'm sad

    Closed our IG pool yesterday. It was so depressing to wake up this morning and look out the back window and see a big covered space on the ground instead of the blue sparkly pool water. :cry: I hate this time of year. This summer was such a bummer year for having a pool. We never really did...
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    Outdoor Bleach?

    At my local Lowe's, they sell both Red Max and Chlorox brand "outdoor" bleach. I cannot find the strength listed on either bottle. They must be some kind of concentrate, because it lists instructions on how to dilute it for various projects. Anybody know if this is 10% or some other strength...
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    Add Cal-Hypo?

    My question: If I need to shock when opening my pool AND I need to raise my CH level, would I be better off to use the store "shock" products? Cal-Hypo would do both, wouldnt it? Or would it not be fast enough? :hammer: My opening CH level was 200 and I know it has to be at least 250...
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    hi from west virginia

    Hi everyone! Debra from WV here. Second year pool owner . I discovered this forum last summer when we lost our pool completely- it was a green monster! :evil: Pool store was no help so I began my own research and found the BBB method here. Rescued my pool, my wallet, and my sanity! :-D...