Search results

  1. C

    Spray-on coatings?

    Hey everyone, I'm new here but this seems like quite an informative forum and an overall good community, to boot. So I was hoping that you could help me out with something that I've been mulling over for a while. Thing is, I don't take very good care of my truck and my boat. Oh, I try, but they...
  2. C

    Who is ready for spring ?

    Sun is shining, the air and weather is sweet... Bliss. Ah, spring, you're here! :p
  3. C

    New to pools!

    I also got a pool very recently, so I'm thinking about things.. I really like your solar panel idea. It would be awesome if it would work out, maybe I could do that too.
  4. C

    skinny dipping?

    During the winter, about half of the neighbors are gone. They start coming back late in the spring, and there's a sweet spot of early spring - late autumn when I can and do go skinny dipping, especially in the mornings. Its cold as ****, but it sure wakes you up! It's a really nice feeling - a...
  5. C

    Who is ready for spring ?

    Spring has just about reared its beautiful, fragrant head where I live. Birds chirping and that warmth that defrosts the ground... Mmm! It is a nice feeling.