Search results

  1. DaveBinWL

    This year it's a pressure problem, pump basket won't fill all the way.

    Turned out to be something dumb, just as I suspected... me. There was a plug inside the filter either I had forgotten about or the new pool closer put in that hadn't been plugged before. Anyway, the advice to pull apart the filter and re-check led me to it so I'm glad I posted here for some...
  2. DaveBinWL

    This year it's a pressure problem, pump basket won't fill all the way.

    I guess I can check it again. What exactly would I be looking for? At the end of each season I fully clean it and put it back together so it's ready for opening the following. I did take it apart today and inspected before I sealed it up, normal like always as far as the filter grids are...
  3. DaveBinWL

    This year it's a pressure problem, pump basket won't fill all the way.

    I've done searches and it seems like my issue is decently common. I know I need to follow protocol and walk through the necessary steps to see if I have any air leaks. But I have one thing that may be a clue? Not sure, that's why I figured I'd post and see if anyone had insight. Everything...
  4. DaveBinWL

    SWG has never seemed to work right, last summer was the worst.

    I'm trying to figure out the amount of run time my SWG should need. I'm not understanding the pounds per day number that my SWG is suppose to be producing. According to a chart I found my particular unit is 1.40 lbs. per day. Does that mean if I run it for 24 hours it'll produce 1.40 lbs?
  5. DaveBinWL

    SWG has never seemed to work right, last summer was the worst.

    I'm doing a better job keeping chlorine in the pool but only at 2/4 Cl/Br with my TA-100 water test. I'm guessing I need to get that up to 5+ consistently? At what point should I add CYA? Doesn't that protect all this chlorine I'm adding? I'd also like to get the SWG running so I'm getting the...
  6. DaveBinWL

    SWG has never seemed to work right, last summer was the worst.

    Yippie, thx for the heads up on the calcium. I checked the manual and it says between 200-400ppm. My test read 225 today, pool store said 136. Should I add some to get around 300 just to be safe? My results for today are as follows: FC 1.5 CC 1 pH 8 TA 150 CH 225 CYA 45 Salt 3560 (my SWG...
  7. DaveBinWL

    SWG has never seemed to work right, last summer was the worst.

    Done, thanks Jim. I will retest tomorrow and post updated results.
  8. DaveBinWL

    SWG has never seemed to work right, last summer was the worst.

    Ok, just leaving the pool store. My kit won’t come u til later this week but pool is cleared up from opening and I’m ready to get it going. Here’s what the tests indicated. FC 0.1 CC 0.1 pH 8.6 TA 168 CH 136 CYA 47 Salt 1698 I have 10 lbs. of calcium and 8 bags of 40 lb. salt to put in for...
  9. DaveBinWL

    4.5 Yr. Old Pump is Dying?

    Thanks for the info guys. I received the capacitor in the mail today, installed it and the pump started right up! Just a note for anyone searching this same issue and coming across this thread, my old capacitor was not bulging on top. I received the info here and other places that it usually...
  10. Pool Layout.jpg

    Pool Layout.jpg

  11. DaveBinWL

    Help Calculating Gallons in Pool

    Our pool installer was no help in calculating the size of our pool. He had us over salt, we then had to empty half of it... needless to say we then just tried to figure it out on our own. However, after 4 seasons I'm finding it's time to get my act together and figure out this pool chemistry...
  12. DaveBinWL

    SWG has never seemed to work right, last summer was the worst.

    Jim, Very much appreciated. I'm looking forward to getting this all under control and figured out this year. I'll post the data soon. Thanks again for your time!
  13. DaveBinWL

    SWG has never seemed to work right, last summer was the worst.

    Thanks for looking into this with me. I can get this done. I had one of those test kits when we first built the pool but got frustrated with all the info, discovered the above mentioned store and took the lazy way out. You're right though, I need to understand my own pool. I'm ordering the kit...
  14. DaveBinWL

    SWG has never seemed to work right, last summer was the worst.

    There's a local store that uses a chemistry type setup, not strips. It's pretty elaborate. So I've been trusting them to my test the chemistry and get it right. I'm guessing I should learn my own stuff at this point though. I probably don't run it that long. Honestly, I probably ran it at...
  15. DaveBinWL

    4.5 Yr. Old Pump is Dying?

    I'v checked out a couple youtube vids and you have just made my day! Now, hopefully that's the issue and not something more but there's hope! Thx for your time! Anyone else searching this issue.. here's one of the videos I watched that give a decent walk through the steps.
  16. DaveBinWL

    SWG has never seemed to work right, last summer was the worst.

    Hello! Thanks for checking this out and trying to offer some help! My system has a IntelliChlor IC40 40,000 Cell. Since we opened the pool in 2014 I've had issues with it keeping enough chlorine in the pool. The first four seasons it seemed to do well until about half way through. At the midway...
  17. DaveBinWL

    4.5 Yr. Old Pump is Dying?

    Hi All, I have a Max-E-Pro 1-1/2HP Pump 2", installed August 2014. End of last summer it just started humming when I turned it on. I figured out how to access the back and hand spin it to start it up but obviously that's not ideal to do every time, didn't want to deal with it at that point. I...
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  22. DaveBinWL

    New Michigan Pool is going in!

    Finally got the images uploaded! Adding more throughout the process along with the pool info.
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