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  1. rodmitch

    Bleach Prices 2015

    Last year ACE Hardware had that same deal for Memorial Day weekend but they didn't have much in stock so let me order as many as I wanted at that price and come back later and pick it up. I'm hoping I can do the same and stock up this year.
  2. rodmitch

    Flying ants?

    Just a note from California since you all seem to be in the South. We had a ~1-day swarm of them here as well. Not as many as it sounds like some of you get and it lasted less than two days. I don't remember seeing them last year, at least not in any significant numbers. This time there were...
  3. rodmitch

    CH drop as a proxy for CYA reduction?

    I think I'm accounting for the incremental drains by keeping the original numbers as the reference point rather than the incremental numbers. I don't think I'm under any illusions about accuracy. The 820 is +/- 10. The 625 is +/- 25 because I used the less drops/less accurate test. But I'm just...
  4. rodmitch

    CH drop as a proxy for CYA reduction?

    I'm new here so it's quite possible I've missed something that's been discussed many times. Anyway, I'm incrementally draining my pool for various dumb reasons and it's darkish when I leave for work and darkish by the time I get home and have dinner all of which adds up to: there are lots of...
  5. rodmitch

    So do you all shower before entering your pool?

    :goodjob: Yup. This right here.
  6. rodmitch

    Test kit out for delivery! - first post

    Ok, day two report. End of the day FC: 10.5. That's daytime loss of 5. Added 2 jugs of bleach, checked later at FC 21. (I keep forgetting to check CC but the times that I have it's been 0. Maybe .5. I can't really tell if that first drop does something or not.) This morning FC 17.5 so the...
  7. rodmitch

    Test kit out for delivery! - first post

    :lol: I wasn't worried. I think tweaking based on actual effects of additions is probably the best way to go and I know my estimate is close enough. But that's not as nerdy and fun as trying to figure out the math!
  8. rodmitch

    Test kit out for delivery! - first post

    I did think about multiple depth measurements but I didn't think about the same for width (duh). How do you account for sloping/curved sides? Just margin of error? Also, I like the separating the step completely idea. Ya'll are full of good ideas!
  9. rodmitch

    Test kit out for delivery! - first post

    Hmm, incremental refills is an idea. I used the oblong option on this volume calulator. LD=18, SD=16, Length=31, Depth=3-7. That's gives 17.8K but the trick is the big step (what is that called anyway?) that makes an extra bubble out the side of the "bean" shape that's not accounted for and...
  10. 1-stPool.jpg


  11. rodmitch

    Test kit out for delivery! - first post

    It seems to take a long time to warm even a couple degrees even in 100-degree weather. I know a cover would help but we don't have one at this point. Poolcalcutor says 69% replacement for CYA.
  12. rodmitch

    Test kit out for delivery! - first post

    I'm wanting to wait to drain and fill for another week or two (and then vacation, so, three) to avoid dropping the temp and cutting the swim season short (wife's request and she's the one that has to handle the kids all day!) That might be tempered by the amount of chlorine it takes to keep it...
  13. rodmitch

    Test kit out for delivery! - first post

    Thanks for your input! So here are the results from my first test: FC 1.5 CC 0 pH 7.2 TA 110 CH 820* CYA first test >100, 50% dilution 80x2=160** Added 3 jugs of 8.25% 121oz bleach as per the poolcalc shooting for 15. Waited 30 min with the pump running and measured FC again at 18.5. I think...
  14. rodmitch

    Test kit out for delivery! - first post

    I guess I should have said always looked "good". Looking forward to "great"! My eternal admiration. :goodjob: I have the preliminary results. Full report in the morning!
  15. rodmitch

    Test kit out for delivery! - first post

    Sorry, not sure how I misread that. And missed your first post too. I'd say no, not mainly in the shade. Starts on the sides but pretty evenly on all sides of the pool and will settle on the steps if I let it go too long.
  16. rodmitch

    Test kit out for delivery! - first post

    That's what I'll do, thanks.
  17. rodmitch

    Test kit out for delivery! - first post

    Thanks for the welcomes! Heh, Yes. I'm curious about doing the 50% dilution test. I wonder if it will be over 200. Just excited about getting started on the "right" way. Actually I read that a few times. It's not very clear on how to tell mustard algae from regular. It spends more time...
  18. rodmitch

    Test kit out for delivery! - first post

    I've been reading posts here the last couple weeks like an addict and gone through everything in Pool School at least once. Should be able to play with the test kit tonight. We bought our house two Aprils ago and I've been using chlorine pucks since then up til about a week ago. Stocked up on...