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  1. C

    How much will salt concentration increase due to liquid chlorine?

    Here are my current numbers. FC 4 pH 7.5 TA 70 CH 460 CYA 50 Salt ??? Borate 50 I have been using TFP methods since August of 2013 and have been very pleased. I use a Liquidator and added Borates to help with the white scale issues that popped up immediately. Borates fixed that problem. My...
  2. C

    CYA testing

    I just received some new R0013 and some 50 ppm standard solution. I guess my eyes must be too good because I tried it out twice and got 35 and 40 ppm. I was even stopping while I felt that I could still see the dot. If I am getting these results for the standard solution then should I assume...
  3. C

    Algae spots, perhaps?

    Here are my TF100 numbers from Sunday, two days ago: FC - 3 CC - 0 PH - 7.5 TA - 80 CH - 400 CYA - 35 Borates - 50 The FC was a little lower than I wanted and so I bumped up the feed on the Liquidator a bit, and according to a quick drop test yesterday and a strip this morning the FC is ~5...
  4. C

    Black residue on thermometer

    FC - 1.5 CC - 0 PH - 7.6 TA - 60 CH - 360 CYA - 30 Borates - 50-80 I have been accumulating a black residue that feels a bit like old adhesive on the top of my thermometer, which invariably ends up in one of my skimmers so that water is always flowing over it. I am pretty sure it is not...
  5. C

    Experiences of a newbie - Liquidator, borates, CYA testing

    Hello all. I've just registered and this is my first post, but I have obtained a wealth of information from this site, so thank you all. Our pool was completed in December 2012. We started with trichlor pucks and by July the CYA was at 98, at least according to Leslie's, which is another...