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  1. F

    Can't get the pool clear even with SLAM

    TF-100, brand new reagants from this year, and it appears to test correctly. With much lower chlorine levels it has always matched the basic test kit indication. Last night I measured 50.0 at 8:30 pm and this morning, 50.0 at 6:30 am. *shrug* There is a slight risk of error due to the fill...
  2. F

    Can't get the pool clear even with SLAM

    I applied Metal Magic at refill time and haven't added since. I'm willing to stick with it, but 3 days of no improvement is beginning to concern me.
  3. F

    Can't get the pool clear even with SLAM

    Apologies: 1. TF-100 test kit, fresh reagants. 2. I recognize this, I raised it in the past couple of days from the 25-30 range I had kept it at. The liner will be replaced next year anyway, so I'm not too concerned with that at this point - I just want clear water. 3. I've read good things...
  4. F

    Can't get the pool clear even with SLAM

    Hi all, This year has been particularly troubling for our pool, almost as bad as the 2013 year when we had a crazy pink slime invasion that had me 10 minutes from buying a few hundred ton of backfill dirt. 33,000 gallons FC: been holding at 40-50 CC: 0 CYA: 60 TA: 110 CH: 300 pH: tends to run...
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  6. F

    A particularly challenging case of stuff growing...

    Yes, although controlling CYA really hasn't been my goal (yet)... I first needed to get the 1/2" layer of Crud that grew every 2 days to stop before I could deal with other things. I came here to see if anyone had ever seen anything like this growth I was experiencing and see if there were any...
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    A particularly challenging case of stuff growing...

    I know the owner very well, she's been doing pool work all her life (her parents were in the business too), and we're cousins-in-law... She tells me it's happening across all of the pool treatment programs - SWG's, non-Chlorine, standard Chlorine, etc. They're looking for some type of pattern...
  8. F

    A particularly challenging case of stuff growing...

    Don't know what to tell you... Last night and this morning's tests both agreed with each other to the exact ppm (and were roughly correct given the amount of bleach that I added to the pool according to the pool calculator). This evening's tests (both DPD-FAS as well as a quick confirmation...
  9. F

    A particularly challenging case of stuff growing...

    Halved the CYA test and got somewhere between 60-65, so 120-130 is where I am on CYA.
  10. F

    A particularly challenging case of stuff growing...

    Same test. All readings from TF100. 10 ml on all three (last night, this morning, and this evening).
  11. F

    A particularly challenging case of stuff growing...

    Ok... so received the TF-100, but in the meantime have been making sure we keep the Chlorine up. Overnight last night we shocked and maintained a FC level of 33.5 overnight, so we passed the SLAM OCLT. I stopped adding Chlorine (6% bleach) today. When measured tonight, 12 hours later, we are...
  12. F

    A particularly challenging case of stuff growing...

    Thanks for the help so far, guys - I do appreciate it. This problem has been particularly troubling. The Silver Aqua-Chek strips have pads that show up to 20 FC and 10 TC, and for a few days FC has been consistently darker than 20. I managed to get the pool crystal clear and it looks great...
  13. F

    A particularly challenging case of stuff growing...

    The two different kinds of test strips cover both TC and FC. At TC levels over 10 they don't show green anymore and turn a rather nasty shade of yellow that consumes the green. The FC is slightly darker than the "20" pad on both strips. They're the Aqua-Chek Silver strips.
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    A particularly challenging case of stuff growing...

    This is a specialty pool store that does not use strip-based test kits, but I will wait for the TF-100 to arrive to validate it myself.
  15. F

    A particularly challenging case of stuff growing...

    Thanks. TF-100 ordered. That said, I just want to point out that my pool is crystal clear and has been for several days now... it's just that those little white blobs keep growing around the skimmer's gasket surfaces...
  16. F

    A particularly challenging case of stuff growing...

    PS: The water has been crystal clear for about 2 days now... it's just the little white blobs that I find in the morning when I look in these places...
  17. F

    A particularly challenging case of stuff growing...

    I have a long history of not trusting test kits of various types and size, so I take samples to the pool store and cross-compare with my Aqua-chek silver strips *and* my old DPD kit. All three have reported that FC has been > 20 for over 5 days, yet the small white blobs still grow. I can also...
  18. F

    A particularly challenging case of stuff growing...

    This season I have had an incredible problem with my pool. It appears to be a case of pink slime / white water mold, but you never can tell. Long story, but bear with me: It got to the point where - after brushing and vacuuming - in 2-3 days, a 1/2" layer of jellyfish-looking white blobs...