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  1. M

    How can my friend have it so much easier using pucks and powder shock?

    Because here I am two years later dead set on getting it fixed and I STILL can't find a way to do it. I figured I'd rent a 2" submersible pump from Home Depot then refill with a garden hose but I'm afraid of hydrostatic pressure and intense sunlight on the plaster. So, I called a water...
  2. M

    How can my friend have it so much easier using pucks and powder shock?

    I have a TF-100 test kit. I've had one for two years. :) My CYA really is 150-200 (I'm not good at telling when the black dot has actually disappeared). Whatever the exact number is it's really, really high. My plan is to start draining the pool as soon as the direct sunlight is off of it and...
  3. M

    How can my friend have it so much easier using pucks and powder shock?

    kimkats, Yes. I still have high CYA. I've been overwhelmed about how to replace the water. I've finally made up my mind that this weekend I'm backwashing out as much water as I can and refilling with my garden hose. I just can't find a better way, but I have got to get rid of that CYA so I can...
  4. M

    How can my friend have it so much easier using pucks and powder shock?

    Two years ago I bought my house with my first pool. I have high pH, high CYA (pool came that way), massive chlorine consumption, algae, dirt, and leaves in my pool. I know it's my fault, but I feel like I'm constantly working on it. Once in the morning, once after dinner and a good portion of...
  5. M

    Are these my sewer clean outs?

    Not exactly a pool question but I need to ask since legally my backwash water needs to go to the sewer. They're just outside my front door on the paver patio. Thanks.
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  8. M

    New pool. Traveling for next month. Help, please.

    Re: New pool. Travelling for next month. Help, please. Thanks for the help. I realize I didn't give you anything to go on but I'm sort of desperate. I've got some more data... From Leslie's free water testing: FAC 5 ppm TAC 5 ppm CYA 99 TA 120 pH 7.6 TDS 1600 Pho 500 My pool is a figure 8ish...
  9. M

    New pool. Traveling for next month. Help, please.

    I just moved into a new house and now own my first pool. Problem is, I'm traveling for work for the next month starting Thursday. I don't have time to get an TF-100 so I won't really know what's going on with my chemistry. I do know my eyes burn after I swim. I don't know what the CYA is so I...