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  1. M

    trying long & what next to clear?? after metal repairs and stain removal

    trying long & what next to clear?? after metal repairs and stain removal The story is my pool was neglected for a long time and I slammed it. After getting organics and algae etc filtered out and no overnight fc loss and zero CC for a week, the pool would not clear and was green...
  2. M

    need to treat iron or copper? vit c tabs work. how do i know which metal?

    My water turns more green every time I add chlorine. My test actually turns bright pink then totally clear and then i ad about 5 drops reagent before it starts turning pink then it goes bright pink again and around 55 drops it starts clearing. Im reading that this is usually copper but maybe...
  3. M

    under .5 cc for a week and not clear? is algae gone?

    How do I know when my algae is gone when my pool will not clear? Its been 25 to 30 ppm free chlorine for a week. I started to let my chlorine drop down but pool store tested and said I had algae....I took sample to test for metals. They tested 0 copper 0 iron. Because of stain I think metal...
  4. M

    need help at end of slam.... readings help?!

    This is my 2nd pool slam not working nearly as well as last time. The pool is cloudy and is a blue green color sort of like sea foam green but more blue tinted and I can only see first step. Cya 35 chlorine 25ppm CC under .5. I can barely see a color change for cc. ta 130. PH? My gut...
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    Slam complete 2 weeks later, need help with new test results

    First I would like to thank everyone who has so kindly helped me out with all my questions and posts. THANK YOU VERY MUCH It took 7 days for my TF100 to arrive but here is where it is now CYA 55 (tested 2 times was 50ish 60ish (I only used half the water on first test so repeated) FC =...
  6. M

    during slam ph question

    I've been slamming for 4 days. my Ph is extremely low. Should I try to raise Ph during slamming? Pool school says Ph is inaccurate during slam. How innacurate? Should my ph be way below 6 when I started slamming it was 7.4
  7. M

    I need help - Test results and backstory

    Current test results as of Monday 7/15 5:45pm: the FC is 0-.5 the CC is around 1 TA is 110 PH is under 6.8 - not sure if I did the dosage test correct for adding ph increase product. I kept adding the same reagent until it appeared near 7.2 (was about 10 drops) My pool size is...