Search results

  1. linuxninja00

    Mustard algae, second year in a row, same time of year

    Just double checking my understanding here... Since I'm using SWG, are my minimums actually lower? Like 3-8? Not arguing the possibility that my pool is telling me it needs more FC, just making sure I'm shooting for the right targets
  2. linuxninja00

    Mustard algae, second year in a row, same time of year

    I've considered that perhaps my FC is falling too low, but I'm not so sure it would be.... Certainly I'm not testing multiple times a day, but I am testing afternoon/late afternoon usually, so i'd expect my loss to have happened given by late afternoon (i.e. 4pm), suns off my pool. My results...
  3. linuxninja00

    Mustard algae, second year in a row, same time of year

    Hello fellow TFP'ers. I'm curious for opinions on my situation. I'm battling what very well appears to be mustard algae for the second time in as many years. Also at the same time of the year, early-mid August. Very positive it's mustard algae not pollen. At first i vacuumed it all up...
  4. linuxninja00

    Small leak at sand filter connection - repair advice

    Is teflon paste something along the lines of Rectorseal pipe sealant?
  5. linuxninja00

    Small leak at sand filter connection - repair advice

    Howdy fellow TFP'ers. I will admit I don't mess with the plumbing of my equipment much, but not afraid to attempt the repairs. I have a small leak from the input side of my sand filter. In the close up shots attached, you'll see the connection is made with what appears to me as some type of...
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  9. linuxninja00

    No pH drift this year

    Thanks Marty. Somewhere I thought I read drift was common with SWCG, thanks for setting me straight on that.
  10. linuxninja00

    No pH drift this year

    Hello TFP'ers, Historically, I've always had to add small doses of muriatic acid over the summer months, which I understand is pretty normal with a SWCG. However, this year, two months in, I haven't had to add a single drop, pH has basically stayed 7.4 for two months. Double checked that I...
  11. linuxninja00

    What to do with booster pump?

    Thanks... I see you have the nautilus cc plus... that is what I went with. You happy thus far with it? I'm on day 2 with it and am loving how much better it cleans than my Polaris
  12. linuxninja00

    What to do with booster pump?

    I saw a related post and they mentioned folks in TX as well. I'm assuming it's related to the winter weather this past Feb killing equipment?
  13. linuxninja00

    What to do with booster pump?

    Yeah, good idea on the return. I wouldn't mind that :). Shouldn't go green just by the way it is plumbed, there is a passive flow of water coming out of it due to how it's connected. Thanks!
  14. linuxninja00

    What to do with booster pump?

    This year I decided to retire my very old Polaris cleaner and move to a robotic cleaner. Great decision, however I've still got this booster pump plumbed in and I replaced the motor last year. Not sure I really feel like removing it at this moment, so my question is, "What, if anything, has...
  15. linuxninja00

    Where are you buying bleach at?

    This is only year I've ever had to do it, but I've had to use 73% cal-hypo when I opened up and luckily i bought enough as my salt cell died and that's been hard to find. My CH is usually pretty low (75 at open) so I've felt ok using cal-hypo just for a short while.
  16. linuxninja00

    New from VA

    Welcome to the forums from another Tidewater native. Agreed. Haven't seen this many SE Virginians here in awhile. Here's hoping that we've got warm days ahead finally.
  17. linuxninja00

    Hello from southeastern Virginia

    While I have a heater, I use it just at the end of the season a bit. Or when my wife is going to get in since she likes it almost bathwater warm :). Right now though, my water is cold given the weather we've had lately. Hopefully with the upcoming warmer weather she'll get up to temps.
  18. linuxninja00

    Hello from southeastern Virginia

    Virginia Beach here, welcome to the site. Definitely check out the links Marty posted. Very difficult to follow the TFP methods without a proper test kit like the TF-100
  19. linuxninja00

    How do any pool services stay in business?? I've fired 3 so far...none of them "get" it

    Unfortunately, I think you just described exactly how they stay in business. I feel like there are many pool owners that just believe these answers from proclaimed pool experts. They convince them that regular algae outbreaks are "normal" when we know that's nothing but BS. Friends ask me all...
  20. linuxninja00

    Pool flow and cloudy water

    LOL, did that pool store recommend a stabilizer level of 60 to..... 200?!
  21. linuxninja00

    Help - What is this stuff floating in my pool

    Danrock, being not too far from you and given the time of year, I believe it's pollen as well. It's been pretty bad pollen-wise down here in VA or at least my allergies tell me so. I have similar looking floaties this time of year. As mentioned, keep the FC in range here: . Those test results...
  22. linuxninja00

    What brand/type of salt do you recommend?

    Thanks Joyful. Since i'm maintaining to TFP practices with regards to FC/CYA, the raised phosphate level isn't a huge issue?
  23. linuxninja00

    What brand/type of salt do you recommend?

    It was the one linked above, Diamond Crystal Bright and Soft. 0.03% Sodium Hexametaphosphate
  24. linuxninja00

    What brand/type of salt do you recommend?

    Whew, thanks.... yah test kit numbers are perfect, everything holding just fine... Next year I'll be more careful :confused:
  25. linuxninja00

    What brand/type of salt do you recommend?

    So uhhhh, how bad is it if you added that salt with the Sodium Hexametaphosphate? I may or may not have grabbed a couple of those in my haste at HD.
  26. linuxninja00

    2019 Pool Opening in VA

    Hello fellow Virginian! With the warm weather we've been having this week, I can only imagine the kids are going crazy! :) Since you're no longer green, your SLAM might not be too long. Just hang in there and keep an eye on the FC level to top up every now and then until you pass the 3...
  27. linuxninja00

    I've got absolutely no clue where to start!

    I think Naughty by Nature said it best, "You down with P.O.P? Yeah you know me". Something like that ;)
  28. linuxninja00

    losing my patience

    You're definitely in what I consider the hardest part when you need the most Pool Owner Patience. Speaking from experience, when I found this site many many years ago I had a 5k gallon AGP that was such a dark green it was almost black. It took me just over a month to clear it following all...
  29. linuxninja00

    I've got absolutely no clue where to start!

    We have the same VSP and I'll usually run mine at 2900rpm for 2 hours (i've got a lot of trees and the higher speed help clean it in the AM) then run it on low speed for the rest of the day. My low speed is 1700. Your speed might vary based on your pool, plumbing, etc. I personally found that...
  30. linuxninja00

    Suds and the mystery of Phosfree and Algecide...

    Howdy fellow 757'er! Marty is right on. You definitely want to stay out of Leslie's and handle the chemicals and testing yourself. You certainly want to pick up a TF-100 test kit, see . Once we know good, reliable numbers from your own testing, we can provide an action plan.