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  1. Sew Shine

    Successful BBB maintenance for 2 years, now problems.

    Thank you so much!! I'll get working on it!
  2. Sew Shine

    Successful BBB maintenance for 2 years, now problems.

    One other thing...perhaps I didn't regenerate my water conditioner often enough when filling the pool this time. Would it be better to drain and refill or deal with sequestrant? The main drawback of draining is that the water has warmed up! Comes out of the ground SO cold!
  3. Sew Shine

    Successful BBB maintenance for 2 years, now problems.

    Thank you! I didn't even think of metals...just assumed algae. The pool store said I was probably right--ugh. Should have come here first. Haven't used them in 2 yrs, don't know why I went today! Love this forum (have been a longtime lurker)! Rebekah
  4. Sew Shine

    Successful BBB maintenance for 2 years, now problems.

    You may be right about the metals. When I test for CC, I get none. I'm not losing chlorine overnight. If I have the pool store test for metals and there are some, can anything be done?
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  8. Sew Shine

    Successful BBB maintenance for 2 years, now problems.

    I read that for mustard algae, you needed high levels. After regular shock levels failed to clear the pool, I assumed I was battling mustard algae so I raised the levels. :( Trying to get pictures posted soon! Thank you so much for all of the help! Rebekah
  9. Sew Shine

    Successful BBB maintenance for 2 years, now problems.

    Thank you for the quick responses. Oye! 6 weeks!? No swimming the whole time? Or ok to swim? As far as my test kit goes, I use Taylor K-2006 kit. Just got a new one this year to make sure my test chemicals hadn't gone bad. I don't ever test CH, just do the FC, pH, TA, and CYA (at the...
  10. Sew Shine

    Successful BBB maintenance for 2 years, now problems.

    We break it down every fall and have always filled with our well water. Our water goes through a conditioner before serving the house. Thanks! Rebekah
  11. Sew Shine

    Successful BBB maintenance for 2 years, now problems.

    Hello, I ran across your site and the BBB method several years ago after having problems maintaining my pool. I had been following the advice of my pool store and kept shocking my pool...only to test later and find ZERO FC. Through your site, I found out that the pool store had my CYA through...