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  1. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    Just tested again and now my readings are as follows: FC 6.5 CC 0 PH 7.5 TA 90 CH 80 CYA 50 Should I increases my CYA? I am running a SWG and I understand my CYA should be higher than 50. Thanks for the help......?
  2. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    yes only sunning the SWG...I had to cut the output down to about 15% so my chlorine would start dropping faster. I had poured way too much liquid bleach in to try to clear out the algae which was already dead ....I just needed to get the dead stuff out of my pool. I have that taken care of and...
  3. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    I was reading where you want your CYA in a certain range to keep help with the chlorination. Am I not understanding correctly?
  4. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    Just tested my water again and these are the results: FC 10.5 CC 0 PH 7.8 TA 90 CH 90 CYA 50 Would it be safe to swim at this FC level? I want to raise my CYA but I also want to wait until my FC is down close to 4.
  5. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    We are having some rain today so I will not be at the pool too much LOL. I really appreciate the help and advice I have received here. The pool water is really clear and except for the stains on my liner it looks so beautiful. The best improvement I made was changing the filter sand out...
  6. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    Thank you
  7. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    AlanPaul, I have passed the tests. I had poured so much chlorine in my pool that it is still high. I have not been running my SWG to allow the chlorine to run down. I had way over 50ppm chlorine when I shocked it. I know this is WAY too much but I was shocking the best I could. I had...
  8. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    FC 13.5 CC .5 PH 8.2 TA 120 CH 90 CYA 70
  9. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    :whoot: I have been very busy lately. Last night after I got home from work I picked up my skimmer basket to empty it and a spider bit me!! Ouch! Tonight I noticed my sand filter was leaking from the clamp at the top, I had to cut the pipes to change the o-ring so I decided to change my sand...
  10. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    OK, I have added DE to my sand filter following the directions step by step. The water became slightly cloudy. Will this clear up or am I going to have to backwash?
  11. Merc Sof

    Is this how DE got in my pool?

    I have a similar plug in my skimmer, it looks like a pipe plug but the square is protruded out for a wrench.
  12. Merc Sof

    Is this how DE got in my pool?

    There should be a basket that fits snugly in the skimmer.
  13. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    Thanks Richard, How would I add the DE to my sand filter? The stains are a rust to brown color, I believe they are from the rotting leaves.
  14. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    FC 28 CC .5 PH 7.8 TA 150 CH 120 CYA 50
  15. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    Pool is now clear......Residue on the bottom and vacuuming out. No matter how much I vacuum I still have the stuff on the bottom floating around. LOL...Making progress though. Anyone with ideas how to remove the stains on the vinyl liner?
  16. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    I added over 20 bottles of bleach over a weeks time. I know this is way too much but I was trying to fight what I thought was algae. I had talked with a friend yesterday that works with a pool store and he came over this morning and looked at my pool for no cost and told me it was suspended...
  17. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    Yes the color is an orange shade.
  18. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    I have noticed one thing I find odd. When I perform the chlorine test with the DPD powder, I add the heaping scoop to the pool water and the DPD turns pink but as I swirl it goes back to clear. I read under the extended test directions to add more DPD, I do add more and it will turn deep pink...
  19. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    Have not tested for metals. I had used algaecide but not sure if had copper or not.
  20. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    Testing my fill water and these are the results: PH 7.5 TA 180 CH 80
  21. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    I have spent a lot of time in Gettysburg area.
  22. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    Thanks Casey. Where in PA are you?
  23. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    I had used the bleach/liquid chlorine to shock the pool and there was no significant changes in the cloudiness/color of the water. By fill water, you mean that I fill the pool with? I have used algaecide but I don't know if it had copper in it or not. I have not had the water tested for metals...
  24. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    I was able to take another picture.
  25. 2013-06-09_15-06-02_251.jpg


  26. 2013-06-09_15-06-26_882.jpg


  27. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    Will not allow me to upload because of file size
  28. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    It is raining so these are the best I can take.
  29. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    Yes I counted the drops. The water is a turquoise to bluish/green. Cloudy and can't see to the bottom. Uploading pictures now.
  30. Merc Sof

    I need help clearing my pool

    Sorry about the multiple threads. I will not do that again. I have not tried to adjust the PH. The first two readings are not accurate. The first Was a test strip, the second was my first use of the TF-100 and I probably made errors. The 8.2 reading is consistent.