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  1. H

    Roots growing under the liner? (With pics now)

    Lol, awful? ughhhh....move the pool?? I wasnt even thinking about that. The tree is about 10 feet away. There really isnt any place else for it in my yard. Are we saying that no matter what you do, those roots will always find a way? :grrrr: Here is a picture of the yard...
  2. H

    Roots growing under the liner? (With pics now)

    Bump.... I think I've made my decision to replace the liner next year. I had to endure 66 degree water yesterday to repair 2 more holes. I read posts on this forum where people worry about just ONE fold or crease in their liner, whereas I have what appears to be hundreds! (Plus roots and...
  3. H

    Roots growing under the liner? (With pics now)

    Re: Roots growing under the liner? Well, here are some pictures. It needs some serious vacuuming, I know. :lol: Anyways, let me know what you think. The liner is so wrinkly and stained and just u-g-l-y. I think it needs a replacement just in general. We bought the house 2 years ago and...
  4. H

    Roots growing under the liner? (With pics now)

    Re: Roots growing under the liner? Sorry for not getting back to you. I'm in the process of getting pictures. It is a 40 foot tall maple tree. Situated about 10 feet from the side of the pool. Wife is buying batteries tonight, so I should have pic later. Thanks!
  5. H

    Roots growing under the liner? (With pics now)

    Our pool came with our house and I always thought that this pool was just not installed correctly. The bottom of it is extremely wrinkly / folds / pits and valleys, etc. My question is, is it ok to see what looks like systems of roots making their way around the bottom? (Look like lightning...
  6. H


    Not to hijack, but i was worried too, about a leak. Its my second summer owning this pool and I didn't know that you could have "inches per week" of evaporation. Its been a couple of months now and I am filling my pool a bit for the first time. I thought the rain would help keep it filled...
  7. H

    Yikes! There is a ton of water on my AGP cover.

    Nah waters not that big of an issue here. What sucks about the "hole" theory was a brand new cover! I replaced the cover that came with the pool due to EXACTLY that problem. Last October, I was pumping what I thought was rain water when it was actually pool water so I frantically put...
  8. H

    Yikes! There is a ton of water on my AGP cover.

    Did I install it incorrectly last year? I get out there to look at it (things finally melted here in Buffalo) and there is a TON of water on the cover. It has to be 2 feet deep at spots. It was my first pool closing (new homeowner) so I hope I did it right and didn't damage the wall structure...
  9. H

    Confirm for me: Do I have a hole in my pool cover?!

    ARG! :grrrr: I knew it. Hopefully I can get a good deal on one now that its way past closing time here in Buffalo.
  10. H

    Confirm for me: Do I have a hole in my pool cover?!

    First time homeowner here and the house came with a pool. 17' round AGP. We enjoyed it this summer and now I am a first time pool closer. I used the cover that the previous owners left. I had no reason to believe that it was bad. Here is the deal: I drained a couple inches below the return...
  11. H

    FAS-DPD Interference question

    I'll say that I had an issue with an unusually high CC reading 2 days ago. I thought maybe I got some rogue water drops in the test somehow. I attribute it to using the little blue scooper to "stir" the mixture. Now, I just dump the mixture in and swirl the cylinder around manually until it...
  12. H

    Question abourt keeping FC up.

    I have the TF100 test kit. I perform the daily "blue box" test for CL and pH everyday now. I want to keep my FC at around 4-5. Well, the test only goes up to 5 and it is tough to tell if I am "OK" or up over 5. Do you guys who keep your FC higher than 5 actually do a drop test with the...
  13. H

    Just got my TF100 kit, here are my results...

    Thanks for the info. I'll stick with the pucks until I run out and keep a close eye on my CYA levels. I'll toss in bleach if I ever need a quick "pick-me-up". :)
  14. H

    Just got my TF100 kit, here are my results...

    6/27/08 FC = 3.5 CC = .5 TC = 4.0 pH = 7.2 T/A = 70 CH = 190 CYA = 36 (In between 30 and 40 marker) So, what do you pros think? I just opened my pool last Friday and it was very green. Leslie's said to add 6lb of Power Powder Plus calcium hypochlorite shock. It cleared up by Sunday. I've...
  15. H

    New Pool owner: Vacuuming the pool. Is it hooked up right?

    Yeah, it is definitely the connection between the plate and the hose. I could hear suction there. So I did the "pour test" and the water level in the strainer stayed put while I was pouring the water over that section. Once I stopped, it went down. DOH!! Now I need a new vacuum hose?
  16. H

    New Pool owner: Vacuuming the pool. Is it hooked up right?

    There HAS to be air getting in somewhere. I just PMed someone who was experiencing the same thing I am. Turned out the hose connection between his skimmer and pump had a VERY small leak. Not enough to cause a problem during normal filtering, but a big problem when vacuuming. (I guess there is...
  17. H

    New Pool owner: Vacuuming the pool. Is it hooked up right?

    I apologize, my mistake. The plate is attached to the hose this whole time. I have never just had the plate on without the hose. I lose the water level in my strainer when everything is hooked up and (I believe) properly primed. Sorry to confuse you. I wonder what my issue is then since...
  18. H

    New Pool owner: Vacuuming the pool. Is it hooked up right?

    Thank you. Just to confirm: you have had this issue in the past (strainer basket water level very low when vacuuming) and you resolved it by using a better vacuum disc? I can't tell exactly from your initial post if you did and resolved the problem this way or if you are just recognizing my...
  19. H

    New Pool owner: Vacuuming the pool. Is it hooked up right?

    Interesting test with just having the plate on and nothing else (making sure it is completely under water of course :lol: ). I will have to try that and see if this is the problem. So you do recommend the 90 elbow (with as big a diameter opening as possible) ? I think my problems definitely...
  20. H

    ABC's of Pool Water Chemistry

    Re: I wish I found this site sooner. I got burned at the pool store yesterday. Sold me a 30 dollar bottle of phosphate killer. Said that "its the stuff that algae feeds on and yours is up near 2000!" Grrrrrrr :grrrr: BBB here I come! :goodjob:
  21. H

    New Pool owner: Vacuuming the pool. Is it hooked up right?

    Let me start by saying that I just bought a house and it came with an Above ground pool. I have never had to take care of one, but me being the person that I am, took it as a quest to turn it from green to clean. (The lady at the pool store knows me by name now.) So, it came time to vacuum...