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  1. R

    Water not fully filtered on DE4800--what to check next?

    Current pressure is about 8.5 after a full night and most of today running it (33PM local time here). I just recleaned the grids and recharged last night. Pressure was about 7PSI. I should have writtent it down, but I seem to remember last years clean pressure was about 9-10. I would heave...
  2. R

    Water not fully filtered on DE4800--what to check next?

    I've made my way through most of the Pool School documents--that's a great resource. The initial cloudiness was definitely from algae growing before we opened the pool this spring. It was very green on the bottom and in the water. Understood that I can't know that all algae is dead without...
  3. R

    Water not fully filtered on DE4800--what to check next?

    Jason, Thanks for following up. I only have a cheaper test kit, but I roughly followed the method outlined in the page linked. Having read more here, I will be looking for a full test kit soon. Prior to shocking, I had pH on the high end of the range at 7.8. I had used two pounds of...
  4. R

    Water not fully filtered on DE4800--what to check next?

    Jason, Thank you for the response and the welcome. Yes, I shocked (more than) adequately and have the pH on target. Any hint of algae green is gone...the water is blue/white cloudy. I disassembled the Variflow multiport valve and checked the spider gasket and valve assembly. All looked very...
  5. R

    Water not fully filtered on DE4800--what to check next?

    Hi all, Thank you for the great resource here...learned a lot reading already. The Problem: I just opened my pool and cannot get my water to clear. I pulled a bucket of return water and it is still cloudy AFTER being filtered. In the past my return water is sparkling/crystal clear. Normally...