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  1. D

    AquaPure EI Series

    Is anyone familiar with the Jandy AquaPure EI Series? I don't see anything in the forums and it looks like a new model. It's a 15 minute install. You drill holes in an existing line and plug it in. The installation reminds me of using a saddle valve to install an icemaker...
  2. D

    Cannot maintain FC in clear water

    I have used what I thought was an embarrassing volume of chlorine in the past month - until I read about other people using 100+ gallons. I've gone through 16 gallons of 12% and maybe 30-174 oz 6%. I feel like I'm wasting money, so I want advice before I proceed. I winterize and have a solid...
  3. D

    Lowering Total Alkalinity with a Pressure Washer

    I fooled around and drove my TA to about 240 this summer. I began working on TA a recommended here. I brought the PH down with muriatic acid and aerated to bring the PH back up. Given such a high TA it was going to take several cycles and aeration is just so dang slow. As I read on the site...
  4. D

    Frustrated with low pH

    This season my pH has been low and I've been unable to bring it up. Pool Calc says I need 1-2 boxes of borax. However I have already added 4 boxes of Borax in the past month with no longterm effect. The highest pH reading I've seen is 7.2, but it slips back down after about a week. Do I keep...