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  1. S

    Muriatic acid made my stain darker

    Thanks! Another question: If it IS calcium scale, is there a way to add scale to the dark areas to make them less noticable? **edit** Or should I acid wash the entire pool to remove the scale? **/edit**
  2. S

    Muriatic acid made my stain darker

    It's all about the same: fairly rough. However, I chose a fairly light spot in a hidden area near the stairs and took a steel brush to a tiny area. The brushed area definitely darkened quickly.
  3. S

    Muriatic acid made my stain darker

    Wow, I did not expect to receive responses so quickly! I have attached a photo. The stain doesn't show as dark as it really is because of the clouds being reflected. Thanks! Sam
  4. S

    Muriatic acid made my stain darker

    Hi, I purchased this house a few years ago, and I kept the previous owner's pool guy. He says that it used to be medium-dark gray, but the previous owner had it acid washed to lighten it up. It is now a varigated light gray. My pool guy dumped in some copper last summer and it left some dark...