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  1. L


    Just wanted to thank everyone again for all your advice. I've been trying to upload a pic of the pool but no luck yet. It looks amazing, crystal clear amazing!!! I got my CL test kit in today and the CL level is at 17. So it is coming down. My CC level is 0. As soon as it gets below 10...
  2. L


    Looks much better. Thanks for sharing. I really wish I had some before pics too. Our pool was about that green and it's now getting to the sparkly side on the shallow end. Still a little cloudy as you get deeper but we can clearly see the pool drains and the pool has no green in it. yay...
  3. L


    When we turn the pump off it goes down. We went ahead and put in a clean filter while rinsing the other out. The old one didn't look too dirty. I really thought It would of had a lot more stuff on it. The pool does continue to look more clear every day. We did add some more CL yesterday to...
  4. L


    I've been watching the filter and it isn't rising much. I was going to clean it in this weekend reguardless. The pressure is staying around 13
  5. L


    Okay, I was going to turn pump off but will now keep it going. Thanks. My cl levels are still very high. I've been testing every day with the dilution method. So haven't needed to add any yet. Will test again this evening.
  6. L


    okay, counted the bleach bottles. We used 6 bottles of bleach the first night. Next day added 6 more. Both these were the walmart brand at 8.25%. Then later that day or maybe the next started adding liquid CL from the pool store at 10%. We added a total of 11 gal. of the liquid shock...
  7. L


    We started the shock process on last Thursday five days ago. I'm not sure how much bleach we added. I will go look at the bottles and get back. It was a lot and I think I may have added way to much since I was just winging it while waiting for my cl test kit to arrive. I was trying to get...
  8. L


    thanks for the pic of your pool journey. I think we are on about pic #6. Looking forward to getting it to "sparkly". Your pool looks amazing
  9. L


    I wanted to thank all of ya'll for your insights. Much appreciated! 1st, I ordered just the chlorine test kit from the trouble free pool website. I had just purchased here locally from Leslie Pools their complete kit. I was basing my CYA on the level that Leslie pools told me it was. I did...
  10. L


    My husband and I have just purchased a home with a pool and we are new to pool ownership. When we had the water tested the CYA levels were through the roof. We have done 3 drains, 1st a foot. Next day 2ft. Next day 1ft and finally got the CYA level around 90. During this time we realized the...