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  1. P

    Climbing CH

    Thanks - I guess I'll just have to be more agressive with water replacement. Appreciate the help!
  2. P

    Climbing CH

    Hello all, The CH in my 11 month old plaster pool continues to climb and has now tripped 500 from approximately 250 ten months ago. The pool surface is smooth to the touch and has no signs of scaling, but I don't know what is causing the rapid rise in CH. Fill water has a CH of 110. I've been...
  3. P

    Auto-Fill Installation Questions

    Yep - already figured on the check valves. In fact, have fired the PB in regards to the autofill system and have hired the job out to a plumber familiar with these issues. Might cost more up front, but the peace of mind will be worth it to me. Thanks for all the advice - this forum is great!
  4. P

    Auto-Fill Installation Questions

    Thanks for the advice. It looks like I'll have the PB install the water supply to the irrigation system (recognizing the remote possibility for lawn chemicals contaminating the pool supply water) and I'll have a manual shut off valve installed as well. Thanks once more!
  5. P

    Auto-Fill Installation Questions

    Howdy - and thanks so much for this wonderful resource! I've learned quite a bit from you nice folks in the 3 months since owning our pool and I really appreciate the help! However, I still have questions about a lingering issue with the construction/completion of our pool - specifically the...