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  1. K

    Data regarding protection from UV by CyA

    Hello, Still interested in the theory and consequences of chlorine protection from UV by CyA, I'm looking for data published in scientific or technical papers relating to measurements concerning this protection. I have seen, here and there, mentions of such papers as well as curves "based" on...
  2. K

    I don't understand the need to use CyA

    Hello, There must certainly be a few (many ?) places here where this is discussed in depth. Could you please show me the way to the most relevant ones ? Thank you in advance. Nota : pool in France, pH and chlorine controlled via peristaltic pumps, pH and ORP probes, sulfuric acid (PVC liner)...
  3. K

    CyA and TA measurement

    Hello, A question regarding the correction factor to be applied at Total Alkalinity measurement in order to get Carbonate Alkalinity : does this correction factor applies whatever the measurement type for TA ? Said otherwise, do we get (approximately) the same results for TA whether we use a...
  4. K

    Actual SWCG chlorine rate compared to theory

    Hello, If I'm not wrong, an SWCG should produce about 1.3 g/h of chlorine per Amp. through the cell. When reading specifications in user's manuals, they claim it is about three times more... I surely missed something. Can you tell me what ? Thanks in advance
  5. K

    pH Rise in SWG Pools... reborn

    Hello from France, First of all, let me apologize in advance for my poor english and certainly for my poor knowledge of chemistry. This being said, it looks to me as if no reason was found, acceptable by (almost) everybody, that could explain why some people experiment a pH rise in SWG pools...