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  1. T

    Water won't clear up

    All, I wanted to give another update. While I still somehow don't have the sparkle in my water, I feel it is on the way. I can see the bottom clearly in the deep end now. What a battle it has been this year. I appreciate everyone's patience with me and more importantly, all of the solid...
  2. T

    Water won't clear up

    Thought I would share an update. I did turn on sharing and start logging my chlorine additions. Cool feature. I am slowly starting to see real progress. At 7pm on the 6th I drew a chalk line on the sidewalk for how far into deep end I could see the floor and from then until now my line has...
  3. T

    Water won't clear up

    I will read the log link later when I can. I just had something odd happen....I added about 1.5 cups DE at are my readings of FC today.... 6am - 13ppm 9am - 17ppm 11am - 15ppm 1:30pm - 14ppm 3pm - 8.5 ppm I added CL each time it was below SLAM of 16ppm against CYA of 40. Does DE...
  4. T

    Water won't clear up

    I have added DE two times prior to today but, it has been at least a week - am I ok to add after each backwash? I didn't see anything specific about that and wanted to check.
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    Water won't clear up

    I did 2 weeks ago or so but, then I saw where until it clears up I don't need to worry about the OCLT.
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    Water won't clear up

    I am leaving it open longer today - it was open for quite a while last weekend as we did use it just a little. As clean as I have the top of the cover I would assume I would see some residue of algae when I closed it if it had any on it....but, I have been bamboozled a few times this season on...
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    Water won't clear up

    I actually replaced all of the sand in the filter a few weeks ago so should be good there.
  8. T

    Water won't clear up

    So should I be leaving the cover open during the day? I have been keeping it closed as much as possible. I have only seen a very slight improvement since Friday afternoon when I cleaned out main drains. I am again, dumbfounded and out of ideas on why this pool will not clear up.
  9. T

    Water won't clear up

    Ok, good to know on the lines....I figured flow had something to do with it but, didn't think about the sunlight component. I am learning a lot on this thread. Got em both done now. Keeping that SLAM going and I don't see how it cant start improving now. I really appreciate everyone's...
  10. T

    Water won't clear up

    Ok, so I swam down with goggles about a dozen times and got one main drain cover off....yes, full of down, one to go. My question now is....if algae can live there where water is actively flowing through, how can it not be in the lines?
  11. T

    Water won't clear up

    I just got to thinking also....maybe those weren't magic erasers behind skimmer there a piece of foam in them to make them float? I felt they looked odd shaped for magic erasers but figured time and chemicals altered them. I may have to get new ones if they are needed.
  12. T

    Water won't clear up

    I cant see it right now but, that is what it would look like if I could see it. I will try this afternoon to get the covers off and clean them out. I just put vacuum in again. I would mention that since cleaning the light niche I have vac'd four times and each time there is a film on the...
  13. T

    Water won't clear up

    I'd feel much better if it were clear and was failing OCLT. I can't seem to get to the clear point so haven't done an OCLT for a while. I don't have any metal ladders or rails in the pool due to auto cover....I have scrubbed steps, wall ladder in deep end, main drains, skimmers, jets, cleaned...
  14. T

    Water won't clear up

    Ok, I am still really fighting this. Shame on me, once I saw all the Crud in the light niche I assumed that was my be all end all to this battle. I have not noticed any improvement. This morning, I pulled out a couple very old magic erasers that were apparently stuck behind the doors of my...
  15. T

    Water won't clear up

    Well, I think I had a breakthrough last night. First I cleaned the cover really well then I took the light out and the back of the light and the niche were full of some very nasty algae. Got it all scrubbed and cleaned out and ran vacuum. Just ran vacuum again this am, got CL back to SLAM...
  16. T

    Water won't clear up

    I just realized how much having the autocover has been saving my chlorine from the sun....had it open for a few hours for vacuum and lost about 6-7ppm. Just added more and will check it again in a couple hours. I do have a question though - if algae can live anywhere water can get, how is it...
  17. T

    Water won't clear up

    Thanks all! I will get in tonight and remove the light to clean behind it. I do have an inlet jet I haven't used in a few years due to its location - I have two jets in my corner steps and the one sort of defeats the purpose of circulating the water to the closest skimmer so I will unplug that...
  18. T

    Water won't clear up

    Ok, coming back here still with a cloudy pool. To the last reply, no, I didnt measure if it went above 20. I have done a lot more reading on these forums the last couple days. I learned I should be rounding up my CYA number which meant I have been trying to maintain 22ppm when I should have...
  19. T

    Water won't clear up

    Last night I only had to add 1 qt of chlorine to bring up to 20ppm for SLAM.....this am, I just checked and it is still at 20 this am. No change in clarity. I will try adding DE to see if that helps.
  20. T

    Water won't clear up

    please disregard my request if I should use a floc - I just read the post on it.
  21. T

    Water won't clear up

    ok, so it's been a couple days since I posted on here. When I tried to remove valve head stand pipe pulled out too so I had to remove all sand and I just went ahead and put new in. My levels are all still good....I am only using about half gal of chlorine a day. Still seems to be no...
  22. T

    Water won't clear up

    Thanks for the replies. I just put the vacuum back in and once it is done I am going to scrub all areas I can get to with a brush. I will also try adding some DE as well.
  23. T

    Water won't clear up

    I want to start by saying 2-3 years ago I started following the TFP process and have saved a ton of money and had great results, so thanks to those on here that are so helpful. Having said that, I have an issue now that I can't seem to figure out. I opened my pool two weeks ago (auto cover)...
  24. T

    Clarity stuck at 9 out of 10

    JJ_Tex, thought I would give an update. It was a bit interesting this week. I decided to wait until last Sunday evening when we were done in the pool to start the SLAM. On Tuesday I was reading up on cleaning the sand in my filter so that evening I decided to do so...well, my valve head...
  25. T

    Clarity stuck at 9 out of 10

    Ok, sounds like a plan. Thanks for the advice and I will let you know in a few days how things have panned out. Have a great weekend.
  26. T

    Clarity stuck at 9 out of 10

    JJ_Tex, thanks for the quick reply. I do backwash about every 7-10 days. I just bought a gauge to put on to help identify when I need to do so instead of just guessing. I replaced the filter sand last year thinking it would help. It is a Pentair Tagelus sand filter. I have not put in any...
  27. T

    Clarity stuck at 9 out of 10

    Hello, outside of my introduction post, this is my first. Hopefully I have done enough homework prior to this to make it simple for some pros on here. I did get the TF 100 test kit, as I have seen suggested in many posts on TFP, and just tested my water with it for the third time this week. I...
  28. T

    Better late than never

    As a long time pool owner I finally decided it was long overdue that I join TFP. The last couple years I have spent entirely too much relying on a local pool store and this year I have yet to reach the perfect pool clarity. I read enough that before I joined, I ordered the TF-100 test kit so I...