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  1. H

    Algae problem for some weks

    Thanks so much, that makes alot of sense to me. :-D
  2. H

    Algae problem for some weks

    Here is the results, I cant scan here. FCyanuric Acid -167.00 free chlorine 9.2 total chlorine 00 ph 7.9 total alkalinity 130 calcium hardness 272.00 phospate 00.00 iron 00 free copper 00 As you can see I am fairly new to this. I do have a pool water test kit. thanks. any advise is appreciated.
  3. H

    Algae problem for some weks

    Hi there, My pool has been green for a few weeks now and working full time preventing me from rushing out to get some liquid chlorine, I added quite a bit of the ezichlor. I had my water tested yesterday and the reading showed very high chlorine so I was advised to not add any more as the...
  4. H

    brown stains

    Thanks to you all, I don't feel so alone with all this now!!
  5. H

    brown stains

    Thanks for the photos, my stains were not quite as dark as those but similar, the stains have totally disappeared and yes, they did appear after a lot of rain over a few days. I am just so happy right now about it, and so glad I didn't do the acid bath, I returned the three tubs of acid and the...
  6. H

    brown stains

    Many thanks for your interest here. I have held off with the acid bath as strangely enough the stains seem to be getting better, I am maintaining the pH balance and plenty of brushing. I have attached my last test results but I cant attach the photos, they are too large and I dont know how to...
  7. H

    brown stains

    Hi, thanks for your reply. I have spoken to the pool shop people today. They said it was calcium deposit, my pool was finished back in August and has a q quartz surface. I have been advised to proceed with an acid bath, I will need to dump around 50 litres of acid to my 50,000 litre pool. I...
  8. H

    brown stains

    I have a newly renovated concrete pool with a silkstone finish. I have recently noticed brown stains on the bottom. I tested the ph level and this was high. I have added some acid. Just wondered if I will be able to get .id of this as I am very disturbed in light of the fact that I have spent...