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  1. M

    Water not holding chlorine.

    Texas Splash: Thanks, will work on this tomorrow while I'm off. an1vrsy: I've been buying it at Lowe's since they've had a pretty good price on it. Hadn't even bothered to check the dates since they seem to go through it pretty quick. I'm at Windmill and GVP, so I usually hit up that Leslies...
  2. M

    Water not holding chlorine.

    I was at Leslies getting some filter spray and the guy there thought the chlorine was in a death match with the yellow out. I even did a very light acid wash of the filter chamber. So how often am I adding chlorine? A gallon per day until it shows up? I've done the CYA pretty close to the above...
  3. M

    Water not holding chlorine.

    Hi, Maddie, thanks for the reply. The pool gets sun for about 10 hours per day with the two algae spots getting full sun about half that time. I think I rinsed out the jugs, but not 100% sure. I have been trying to just get the water to hold chlorine, so it's not a matter of me keeping it low...
  4. M

    Water not holding chlorine.

    I am in Las Vegas and I emptied and refilled the pool on March 25. Once filled, I added in 1 gallon of conditioner and the levels were as follows: FC 0 PH 8 TA 130 CH 220 CYA 20 Water temp 62 I added in 69oz of liquid chlorine and 25oz of acid. The next day, levels came in at: FC .6 PH 7.6...
  5. M

    New Screenlogic2 system won't give me programmable programs for VS pump.

    Ok, that didn't work as it made the pool low button green and it's still running at 2900 at 1100. It didn't downshift to 2000. Can the times not overlap?
  6. M

    New Screenlogic2 system won't give me programmable programs for VS pump.

    Thanks so much for the help, Jim. I think I got it figured out now. I was being too literal thinking a circuit was an actual circuit instead of a program, if you will. I wound up doing this: I gave up trying to get rid of the spa circuit and just made it 5 minutes. I read a ton of...
  7. pool speeds.JPG

    pool speeds.JPG

  8. pool schedule.JPG

    pool schedule.JPG

  9. M

    New Screenlogic2 system won't give me programmable programs for VS pump.

    Hi, New to the forum but visited several times to figure things out! I just added the Easytouch PSL 4 and Screenlogic2 to the system with the existing Intelliflow VS pump. Prior to the ET, I had four programs set up at the pump: 1 ran from 0700-1100 @ 2900rpm 2 ran from 1100-1300 @ 2000rpm 3...
  10. slsetup.JPG
