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    Pool renovation complete

    South Florida renovation was just completed and the company was top-notch. The pool had the original Landon style in-deck skimmer (that also housed an in-deck filter) back in the 60s. The pool had three layers of plaster and waterline tile just stacked on top of eachother by prior homeowners. It...
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    Removing Pentair CCP Drain Plug

    I don't think i'd do that as a last resort. I would use the shop vac method as a last resort. Putting a screw driver through it will render it useless as it is hollow. So if you do this, you better have a backup plug handy.
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    I Inherited An Ancient Pool

    Hold on. I have this exact skimmer. You need a Landon B40 basket. You may need to cut off the little plastic tabs to make it fit perfect. V28600 Val-Pak Landon Skimmer Filter Basket P/N: B-40 Or P/N: V28-600
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    Travertine help......SW Florida

    Exactly this. I had a travertine deck installed at my old house and every fall I would need to pressure wash the deck and this was the exact procedure. Pressure wash with a floor attachment, dump some slightly diluted bleach all over it, push broom the bleach around to make sure its all covered...
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    SWG and VS pump

    I don't have a heat pump but I have a new VSP sitting in my garage waiting to be installed when the season is over. I plan to wire the pump to the "line" side of the timer and the salt cell to the "load" side of the timer. This will give the pump power all the time and the SWG power only for a...
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    Noisy 2" Check Valve

    I picked up a FlowVis flow meter as I get ready to redo my plumbing and install new filter and VS pump. After it arrived, I was manually manipulating the flowvis check valve and it seems like it will be very restrictive on water flow. Should I be concerned about this flow restriction? Sorry for...
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    Advice for pump replacement- looking at VS pump

    I will let the experts here give you more advice, but based on my research as I am replacing my single speed with VS after this season, I think your limiting factor here is what looks to be 1.5inch plumbing. There is only so much water that can flow through it. You probably could get away with...
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    Is a main pool drain necessary ?

    My main drain hasn’t worked since I bought my house. My pool is clear, clean and works just fine running only the skimmer. Technically my drain is probably connected, but if I unplug the old 1960s Landon style skimmer system, main drain connection, I think I’ll open a can of worms. It’s just not...
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    Hayward Flow Switch PVC housing

    Perfect. I think I can handle that to save $20
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    Hayward Flow Switch PVC housing

    Does anyone know if the pvc fitting of the aquarite flow switch is a standard 2 inch PVC T that can be picked up at Home Depot or Lowes? Are the threads different? I don’t really want to spend $30 for a Hayward branded one when big box stores seem to have the same thing for $3.
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    Replacing and upgrading to variable speed pump

    I can’t tell if you have a salt chlorinator or some other device, because it looks like you have multiple items wired to the load side of the timer (maybe your heater?). I’m not an electrician, but moving the pump to connect to the line side of the timer, will provide it with always on power.
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    Replacing and upgrading to variable speed pump

    Yes you can use your existing timer. I don’t know if you are going to do the work yourself, but a VSP should be “always on” so you need to wire it to the line side of that timer.
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    Replacing and upgrading to variable speed pump

    Steve, You can see on your elbow joint that the plumbing is 1.5inch. The sizing is marked on that elbow.
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    Cartridge Filter Recommendation

    Much appreciated on the advice. That's funny about Florida PBs, because as I visit my neighbors, all of them have starclear or similar 100sqft filters. Even my direct neighbor with his recently renovated pool has a 100sqft filter.
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    Cartridge Filter Recommendation

    I currently have a new Pentair Superflo VS in my garage. I would have already put it in, but just have not have time to do it yet. My Hayward Superflo single speed is running fine, but I am trying to save some money on electricity and the pump is 6 years old. After doing some planning in...