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  1. B

    Shocking and FC

    I have been shocking my pool for over a week. I still am having 4-5 ppm chlorine loss overnight. I am getting tired of buying 12 bottles of bleach at a time. Shock level for our pool is 18. By morning I am down to 14 usually. Then I start the process over and add to get my level back up. Help...
  2. B

    new and confused

    Ok....Another question about shock and FC/CC. My FC level is 5 this morning and when I went to bed it was 17. CC is .5 My water is crystal clear. Am I done shocking when I can maintain FC level of my recommended 5-7 without losing more than 1 ppm overnight or when I can maintain shock level of...
  3. B

    new and confused

    Once CC is .5 or less, how long do you keep the water at a shock level? Do you just let it fall to FC level recommended (in my case FC level recommended is 5-7 for CYA of 60)?
  4. B

    new and confused

    I added the recommended amount of liquid chlorine last night and today FC=1 and CC=1. From what I read and have always done.....I should be shocking after sun goes down to prevent loss. While I am shocking this pool, should I be doing this during the day as well or stick to evening. Where is all...
  5. B

    new and confused

    Hoping it doesn't take too long. We live in Ohio and we are limited with pool time. Thank you! The pool is clear... I just have the FC and CC issue. Just checked chemicals: ph 7.4 FC 1 CC 1 TA 110 CYA 55-60
  6. B

    new and confused

    How long does it take to get the CC down to .5 or less with my current CC of 2? I am still unsure about whether it is safe to swim with shocking or not (got 2 different opinions above).
  7. B

    new and confused

    So is it safe to swim with FC level up in the 16-18 range during shock? How long will it take to get FC level down to 5-7 then as maintenance range?
  8. B

    new and confused

    CYA level is now 60 after drain/refill. However my FC is 1 and CC is 2 today. I added 3 gallons of 10% Chlorine. I used the Pool Calculator and it only suggested 1.6 gallons. This confuses me because of what I read about shocking. I am assuming that I want my FC level to be 5-7....correct? I am...
  9. B

    new and confused

    Thank you for all the advice. I will let you know how it turned out!
  10. B

    new and confused

    We are located in Ohio. I have had a hunch for about a week that we need to drain/refill ASAP. But, wanted to register on here and get advice. This is a great forum!!! We will start the drain/refill process tomorrow. How long do we wait in between draining and refilling for the next drain/refill...
  11. B

    new and confused

    I am new to the BBB method and have been studying hard to figure it all out. I am doing strip tests and bought a cheap kit from wal-mart. My problem is that I read great information on here about what my levels should be and then the bioguard test at the pool store has different ranges. And...