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  1. D

    Renting out my house - leave pool up or take it down? (P

    I'm going to be putting our house up for rent here soon. I have a 'permanent' (not Intex style) 15' x 4' pool up. I hear mixed reviews on leaving it up. Some say it's a liability, some say no. Some say let the renter decide. I don't care either way. What's the general consensus on pools with...
  2. D

    25sqft cartridge filter can't keep up with cleaning my pool.

    I have a 15' x 4' pool that got swamped last year. I have been running it filter-free for the most part lately just to keep the water circulating with chlorine tabs and shock, to begin the clearing process. Otherwise, the filter clogs within hours, and flow comes to a standstill. Is this...
  3. D

    15' above ground swamp full of mosquitoes. Broken pump.

    Sometime during the end of last year, my pump stopped turning. I had 100 other things going on with everything in life, and put it off to the side. Here we are come spring, my water is black, and it's FULL of mosquitoes and water boatmen (and who knows what else). Undecided if I'm going to...
  4. D

    Dirt/ground around AGP? Also, please help me landscape! :)

    Just finished putting up a 'starter' 15' x 4' AGP. Plan is to use it a couple years, if we like it and use it enough, then stick it on Craigslist or something and maybe recoup a little cost, and then upgrade. Didn't want to go 'all in' at once. With that said, won't be doing a deck on this...
  5. D

    Putting up an AGP sucks, I'm about to drive over it.

    Had everything ready to go to day up to the point I'm putting the liner in, hooking up the shop vac to start sucking air & wrinkles out. I noticed that during many hours long process of building the cove against the wall, I somehow knocked the wall out of the U-channel in 2 spots and now it's...
  6. D

    15' x 4' above-ground going up. Fun fun.

    Decided we were going to get a pool this year, something small/cheap, see how we liked it/how much we used it/fit our lifestyle etc. If things go well, then get rid of this and upgrade to a 'real' pool in a couple years. Don't want to put too much up front if things don't work out. Bought...