Search results

  1. G

    Fiberglass Discoloration (Faded & Chalky) - My Story

    I have the same issue. When the water is in it isn't really noticeable other than areas like the stairs. When I was opening it is drastically visible.
  2. G

    How Clear is TFP Clear? Let's See (Pics Only Please).

    It's awesome seeing all these crystal clear pools. I opened my pool again myself and all was clear within a day after my robot ran his rounds. It's great knowing when I start my opening I know how to meet my levels based on pool experience. Thanks as always TFP.
  3. G

    Cyclone Winterizing Blower - Looking for a Good Deal!

    The cyclone blower is great. Pays for itself in no time and has allowed me to help others close their pool as well.
  4. G

    Need guidance with pool opening. Low flow/pressure

    I just wanted to update for anyone who is following. Two o-rings needed to be replaced. One in the bottom drain on the cartridge filter and the other from pump to filter connection. He still has an issue with the bottom pool drains but will look at that later. At least now the pump is running...
  5. G

    Need guidance with pool opening. Low flow/pressure

    The skimmer works but never gets enough water to fill the pump near the top. It's like it looses suction.
  6. G

    Need guidance with pool opening. Low flow/pressure

    I'm helping a friend with his pool that he is having issues with. When the pump is priming there is never enough suction/flow. He has a skimmer, three return jets, and two floor drains. The skimmer and drains each have a valve. If he opens the valve for the floor drain he loses flow almost...
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  8. G

    How Clear is TFP Clear? Let's See (Pics Only Please).

    Starting 4th season with TFP method. Pool still as clear as my first pic in 2020 at the start of the thread. Thanks to all for the support and motivation. I don't even know what algae looks like in my pool. Keep up the good work all.
  9. G

    Skimmer faceplate bleaching

    It looks like it snaps on but I haven't installed it yet. I got it off of Amazon. The one for my skimmer is: SP1084FGR
  10. G

    Skimmer faceplate bleaching

    I ordered a replacement but will install it next season. I do have what looks like fading around the pool but just at the water line. I have a SWG installed but don't use it. I manually dose liquid chlorine and muriatic acid. Nothing in the skimmer other than CYA. I will try to get a pic but it...
  11. G

    I’m too lazy to have a pool.

    Cover the top when not in use to save cleanup time. Mostly its just adding chlorine which is a few mins a day even if you aren't testing daily.
  12. G

    Skimmer faceplate bleaching

    This is the second season using my pool.
  13. G

    Skimmer faceplate bleaching

    My grey skimmer faceplate has a white band within the water level band. Is this normal? I use liquid chlorine and add at the return side with the jet faced upwards to agitate the water as I pour.
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  15. G

    Recommended Air Compressor for closing pool?

    Dang thats expensive in Canada....
  16. G

    Recommended Air Compressor for closing pool?

    I've had the PB close my pool the last couple of seasons mostly because I don't own a compressor. I lower the water levels, spray off the filters, and adjust my chemistry. The only thing they do is blow out the lines and put the cover on. I'm looking to do the whole thing myself this winter as...
  17. G

    No algae but no chlorine reading. TC=0.31 ph=7.4 Alk=107 Calc=145 CA=101 Iron=0.1 Copper=0 Phos=4000

    Do you have a solar cover? I live north of you and can get about 85-86F with it. There are a lot of threads on winterizing the pool and a Youtube video below. I prep my chemistry for the temperature drop and then cover for the winter. The later you close the less chance for algae in the spring...
  18. G

    No algae but no chlorine reading. TC=0.31 ph=7.4 Alk=107 Calc=145 CA=101 Iron=0.1 Copper=0 Phos=4000

    @rosey19 , Is a partial drain and refill an option? Your high CYA is handcuffing you. Keep in mind that a loss of about 2-3 ppm per day of free chlorine is about normal with just the sun alone and can be higher in other regions. Bather load will increase usage. As others have mentioned, its...
  19. G

    Frog in pool

    Ducks are what convinced me to put on a solar poop is the worst.
  20. G

    Automated Testing

    Thanks. I'll have to look more closely at what can be done. I have a bunch of Raspberry Pis laying around for Retro Pi, PiHole, etc. The electronics of it all is a little daunting to be honest.
  21. G

    Automated Testing

    I definitely think there would be interest in automation products. I would settle for a dosing system for chlorine and MA that includes a flow sensor for those of us that dont have controllers. As for testing, that would be awesome if it worked or got close enough. I think though we may not be...
  22. G

    Dolphin E10 question

    I have a gap in mine but can't say if this is normal as I never looked before. I noticed my ultra fine filter not cleaning as well this season as well. I switched to the original filter which seemed much better. I've deep cleaned my ultra fine filters but haven't swapped them back in yet.
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  24. G

    Cloudy water -- time to SLAM?

    Just an update....I didn't start the SLAM because it was cold as heck yesterday. We had snow coming down! I kept FC up around 8ppm and ran the pump/filter 24/7. I cleaned out the skimmer sock three times and the amount of pollen is much less. Pool is looking better. I think there is still a bit...
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  26. G

    Cloudy water -- time to SLAM?

    It's a gray, rainy day today. My results from last night until this morning. 19:30 FC 8.0 23:09 FC 7.0 08:00 FC 4.5 CC 0.5 I just added more LC which should bring it closer to FC 8. I'm still a little perplexed on how it would go from crystal clear for almost two weeks and then get cloudy...
  27. G

    Cloudy water -- time to SLAM?

    Thanks. I've bumped it to 7.5. I'll do the OCLT but figured I would be losing some chlorine as there is a lot of junk falling into the pool.
  28. G

    Cloudy water -- time to SLAM?

    The pool water has been super clean until the last couple of days. We've been getting a lot of pollen/seeds/junk plus a bit of rain in the last couple of days. My skimmer sock was completely full to the point of affecting the water flow. Usually I just spray them off but the last couple of days...
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