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  1. T

    Pool Builder in Florida

    Hello, I am a State Certified Commercial Pool Builderin Florida. If you have any questions, please shoot me an email.
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    You want to keep enough stabilizer to protect your chlorine

    Split off of I just added 20 Mule Borax to my pool a week ago. It was fine where it was originally, but has now spawned a whole new discussion that is off topic for the old location. JasonLion You want to keep enough stabilizer to protect your chlorine levels. 10ppm of stabilizer will protect...
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    Chlorine/CYA Chart comments

    Split off of Chlorine/CYA Chart. JasonLion Im not sure the relavence of this chart. the key is to protect the chlorine that you put into the pool. 10 ppm of cyanuaric acid will protect 1.5 ppm of chlorine from the UV destruction of the Chlorine Molecule. The 1/2 life of Chlorine when...