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  1. M

    Nature 2 GF series with Salt pool

    Sorry it is a G series. So what you are saying is that these units are not needed to keep crystal clear water(SWG)? Last year was my first summer and our water was perfect, very little chemical(ph down) work so I figured the Nature 2 was great help. I just hate to pay for another cartridge...
  2. M

    Nature 2 GF series with Salt pool

    I was told that you can use these Nature 2 cartridges up to 2 seasons? I don't see how this is possible when they probably break donw and corrode during the winter/non use? Do you change it out every year??
  3. M

    Lbs of Chlorine from SWG to Bleach comparison

    Why would someone need bleach with a SWG system?