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  1. K

    Acuracy of Salt Test Strips

    I would only add 1/2 of what you think you need....wait a couple of days and add again....if you end up with too much you'll have to drain water to get it down
  2. K

    Should I fire my Pool Service?

    CSI is .6 I'm going to add muriatic acid to lower the pH and TA....correct way to start?
  3. K

    Should I fire my Pool Service?

    Re: Should I fit my Pool Service? Yes...just from the returns
  4. K

    Should I fire my Pool Service?

    We bought a new home in June with an existing 15,000 gal. IG pool. Since this is my first pool, I decided to use a highly recommended local pool service to monitor my water chemistry. They come once a week and I never hear anything from them...I assume all is good? We had them convert the pool...
  5. K

    Mineral drop out

    Thanks Sean
  6. K

    Mineral drop out

    TH 400 FC 4 PH 7.8 TA 100 CYA 80 Salt 3580 Results from HTH 6 way test strips
  7. K

    Mineral drop out

    That's the term my Pool service company used when I asked about the white granules on the bottom. They are kind of flakey...looks like salt before it completely dissolves. I'll run some tests this afternoon and report back.
  8. K

    Mineral drop out

    I'm getting a scattering of white granules on the bottom of my salt water pool. I was told it was mineral drop out and it will go away on it's on. What causes this and is there a chemical treatment?