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  1. S

    zero readings

    So I opened my pool the same way I did last year. As of right now my water is crystal clear, smells like a pool, looks like a pool, feels like a pool etc. and has maintained this way for several days now. However when doing my testing I came across a scenario I have not before. My TC tested at...
  2. S

    need advice on aquired pool

    I don't currently have a method for testing CC, the test strips were for FC and it read .5
  3. S

    need advice on aquired pool

    Hello, I bought a house last september and with it came this pool. Made a rookie mistake and didnt close it before the leaves fell(thought I had some time). Got most of it out and closed it up. I've spent the last week or two on off days cleaning it up, skimming /vacuuming the whole nine yards...