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  1. B

    Inspector Blues.....advice needed

    Your pool and wall looks beautiful. As for the probable answer---read your contract. The answer is probably there in the small print. Most pool contracts have language regarding changes and additional work caused by the local governing body. You should ponder the terms of the contract and...
  2. B

    Glass Filtering Media

    I use the Glass Media sold by EcoSmarte and no dust and no shards. I helped my builder install the Glass Media---there was no dust as we filled the filter and you can dip your hand into the Glass with no issues.
  3. B

    Glass Filtering Media

    I have Glass Media in my filter. I am a new pool owner so I do not have the ablilty to compare to other filters but I have gone a little more than 3 weeks between backwashes. When I first filled the pool I had to backwash once a week for the first 3 weeks to remove the plaster dust and start...