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  1. P

    Help, Pretty Please?!! New Pool Owner Overhwhelmed by Mustard/Black Algae...

    Okay, so I have been testing PH & TA every 45 minutes to an hour after adding muriatic acid (as per the pool math chart). I gradually added muriatic acid to lower PH to 7.0 to attempt to lower the TA but the TA just hasn't wanted to come down. My PH is now at 6.9 but TA has remained steady at...
  2. P

    Help, Pretty Please?!! New Pool Owner Overhwhelmed by Mustard/Black Algae...

    Just did a test on PH & TA. PH is reading high at 8.2 (or above) & TA is still high at 130. So I added 65 ounces of muriatic acid and will retest again in 2 hours. My goal was to bring the PH down to 7.1 to lower the TA and then keep aerating with the pump, fountain, swg, etc. in order to bring...
  3. P

    Help, Pretty Please?!! New Pool Owner Overhwhelmed by Mustard/Black Algae...

    Just an update here! Chlorine levels are good now & the IC-40 seems to be working properly. I've decided to address one "reading" at time. Currently, I am working on getting the CYA up after which I will address PH & TA. I added CYA this morning (liquid poured into the skimmer basket) and I am...
  4. P

    Help, Pretty Please?!! New Pool Owner Overhwhelmed by Mustard/Black Algae...

    Okay, just an update here! After adding the CYA, which brought me up to 30, I completed SLAM (the water passed the OCLT two nights in a row despite rainy weather) and then I brought the pool up to Mustard Algae shock levels for 24 hours. During MA shock levels, I gave the pool a good scrub one...
  5. P

    Help, Pretty Please?!! New Pool Owner Overhwhelmed by Mustard/Black Algae...

    Thanks for the responses! Okay, I went ahead & purchased the liquid "conditioner" CYA from Leslie's. I wasn't intending to step foot in there again, but I had already racked up several $5 "rewards" considering the ungodly amount of money I spent on unnecessary chemicals so I figured I'd use...
  6. P

    Help, Pretty Please?!! New Pool Owner Overhwhelmed by Mustard/Black Algae...

    The sun came out briefly this afternoon and I re-tested the CYA. I got the same result - I could still see the black dot with the water all the way up to the top of the tube. It didn't matter which way I faced (back to the sun, facing the sun, etc.). Either I am doing something wrong (but I'm...
  7. P

    Help, Pretty Please?!! New Pool Owner Overhwhelmed by Mustard/Black Algae...

    Gotcha...I will wait until the sun is fully out in order to get an accurate reading. Thank you!
  8. P

    Help, Pretty Please?!! New Pool Owner Overhwhelmed by Mustard/Black Algae...

    The sun was not really completely out but it was "bright". It's been dreary/cloudy/rainy all day so I waited until the rain stopped and the sun was "peeking" out - it would have been bright enough for sunglasses - would that be enough for an accurate result? I guess my concern would be adding...
  9. P

    Help, Pretty Please?!! New Pool Owner Overhwhelmed by Mustard/Black Algae...

    Okay, CYA test done. Since its been raining and only 77 degrees outside, I collected pool water and brought it indoors to let it sit in case the water temp was low. After about 30 minutes or so I went outdoors, I followed the instructions (filled to the bottom of the label with pool water and...
  10. P

    Help, Pretty Please?!! New Pool Owner Overhwhelmed by Mustard/Black Algae...

    Okay! I will wait for sun to re-test the CYA! And Heikejohn, thanks for the recommendation of re-using the water in the test tube to pour & re-pour. That makes total sense - my head is so jumbled I didn't even think of that! Max2k, using the SLAM article shock chart, I thought my recommended...
  11. P

    Help, Pretty Please?!! New Pool Owner Overhwhelmed by Mustard/Black Algae...

    TF-100 arrived this evening. I may be a beginner with little knowledge of what I am doing, but I feel that the CYA test is pretty telling. Here were my results a few hours after putting in 3 gallons of bleach this afternoon (that should have brought it to around 24 according to the last strip...
  12. P

    Help, Pretty Please?!! New Pool Owner Overhwhelmed by Mustard/Black Algae...

    Hi All, I have a question regarding SLAMMING and inclement weather. The pool is holding chlorine better & better. It's hard to determine using strips alone, but I think I only lost 1-2 off my FC reading overnight last night (if that). The last time I put bleach in was Saturday night - and only...
  13. P

    Help, Pretty Please?!! New Pool Owner Overhwhelmed by Mustard/Black Algae...

    Hi all! I just wanted to drop in with an update while I am waiting for the TF-100 with speed stir (estimated to arrive on Monday). I have been adding about 6 gallons of bleach a day. In the morning around 8am and in the evening around 8pm, I add 3 gallons each time which, according to the...
  14. P

    Help, Pretty Please?!! New Pool Owner Overhwhelmed by Mustard/Black Algae...

    Wow! Thank you all so much for your responses! What a helpful community of people. Rather than feeling freaked out by the people at Leslie's (who were all over the place), I feel a little more steady & reassured after reading the responses here! So thank you! Okay, the TF-100 kit with speed...
  15. P

    Help, Pretty Please?!! New Pool Owner Overhwhelmed by Mustard/Black Algae...

    Hi there! I apologize in advance for the long nature of this post. We are at our pulling our hair out & do not know what to do! The hubby and I just bought a home with a 14,000-15,000 gallon plaster pool and attached spa with Pentair IC-40 (that I now believe is not functioning due to a green...