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  1. W

    Need help - air bubble puzzle

    There has been a weird issue with my pump. The issue was definitely not there a month ago when I open the pool. I am not sure if anyone has experienced this before. When the pump valve is on the skimmer size, there are many small air bubbles coming out of the return line and the pressure...
  2. W

    Could this be causing my leak?

    Came back from my backyard. The dye testing seems to be inconclusive, Even if the dye is getting sucked in there , it is slow so I am not sure if it's caused by leaking or just normal water flow. Nonetheless, if I want to seal the gap in between, can anyone suggest a way?
  3. W

    Could this be causing my leak?

    Thanks for the quick answer. I did the bucket testing and also the pump on/off testing. I am 90% sure that the leak is in the body somewhere, since I don't have a in-pool light and the water is now below the skimmer and still retreating. So the steps become my prime suspect. I'll go ahead and...
  4. W

    Could this be causing my leak?

    Here is another picture of the other side,
  5. DSC_8046.jpg


  6. W

    Could this be causing my leak?

    Hi, Everyone, This is my first post here. I got this old vinyl pool (around 10 years) from previous owner of my house. Last year everything was great. And this year 2 weeks after I opened my pool, I noticed a leaking problem. The water is dropping about 1 inch in 12 hours with either the pump on...
  7. DSC_8045.jpg
