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  1. R

    used sodium bromide in salt water generator pool HELP

    I think i have the algae under control, it helps to have kids swimming and get the pool stirred up. No more algae, FOR NOW. Running my salt cell for 6-8 hours, my FC is about 1-2 on test strips, it usually is higher when cell runs for that amount of time about FC 4-5 (before I added the sodium...
  2. R

    used sodium bromide in salt water generator pool HELP

    Sorry, the algae or "dirt" is DARKER than what I vacuumed up. Does not look gray like what was there after treatment. Did not want to misinform again. Thanks guys and ladies.
  3. R

    used sodium bromide in salt water generator pool HELP

    going to let salt cell run during the day instead of starting it when i get home from work and letting it run at night. Turned it on last night for 12 hour cycle til about 9 am this morning FC reading at 3-4 at 11:30 test, it was right or below 1 last night when I turned salt cell on. Started an...
  4. R

    used sodium bromide in salt water generator pool HELP

    Jasonlion, My FC read right at 1 at 4 pm. Dropped from 10+ to 1 from 8:30 til 4 pm on a sunny day. Going by the pool store test from 8:30 am sample (FC 10+) then my aqua-chem liquid test at 4 pm (FC 1).
  5. R

    used sodium bromide in salt water generator pool HELP

    Added 10 lbs. of alkalinity. Just letting salt cell run on 12 hour cycle. FC reading about 4 right now. 10 pm.
  6. R

    used sodium bromide in salt water generator pool HELP

    THE CHEMICAL READINGS ON ORIGINAL POST ARE MY MISTAKE. They test by syringe into color coded vials, they insert those vials into some kind of reader then the results show on computer screen. Those chemical readings that I posted were not the correct readings, they were the specifications for the...
  7. R

    used sodium bromide in salt water generator pool HELP

    ok guys, got test results back I took the sample 8:30 am. FC-10+ TC-10+ TA-23 (low) CH-166 (low) CYA- 24 As I said earlier put 2 bags of shock in at 7 pm last night ran salt cell on 12 hour cycle from midnight last night til 12 pm today. FC was 10+ according to pool store test 8:30 am sample...
  8. R

    used sodium bromide in salt water generator pool HELP

    I did forget to mention to all of you is that I have not vacuumed my pool yet, just brushing. My problem might be fixed and I not know it. If I vacuum and it does not come back did I win this battle?. I also did not have salt cell on til tonight. Going tomorrow to get test readings so we can be...
  9. R

    used sodium bromide in salt water generator pool HELP

    I also have a 24 boost on salt cell that will super chlorinate should i use this?
  10. R

    used sodium bromide in salt water generator pool HELP

    thanks for the reply guys. chem geek, The shock that I am using is 58.2% sodium dichlor-s-triazinetrione, other ingredients 41.8 %, thats all it says, staright from wal-mart. The test readings were done wednesday. By shock level do you mean FC readings? How much liquid chlorine are we talking...
  11. R

    used sodium bromide in salt water generator pool HELP

    Since my original post I have put in 4 more bags of shock, 2 this morning. Got home from work free chlorine was almost 0, added the other 2 bags of shock. Should I just turn my salt cell on? If so, how long. Another question is about the algae. Do I brush the pool? Is it suppose to disappear or...
  12. R

    used sodium bromide in salt water generator pool HELP

    Actually the package only called for 1 shock treatment. Only by reading these posts did I know to keep putting the shock on it. My SWG does say I can use sodium bromide. Do I need to put more sodium bromide? or just crank up the output on the salt cell and start super chlorinating. And the...
  13. R

    used sodium bromide in salt water generator pool HELP

    I use Autoclear Plus SWG. I had a yellow or brown algae problem. was recommended "the yellow stuff" (98% sodium bromide) to my pool to treat it. It seems start to work, but I did not know i converted my chlorine pool to bromine. I HAVE NOT RUN MY SWG SINCE I added 18 ounces of sodium bromide to...
  14. R

    added sodium bromide to my salt water generator pool OOPS

    I use Autoclear Plus SWG. I had a yellow or brown algae problem. was recommended "the yellow stuff" (98% sodium bromide) to my pool to treat it. It seems start to work, but I did not know i converted my chlorine pool to bromine. I HAVE NOT RUN MY SWG SINCE I added 18 ounces of sodium bromide to...