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  1. G

    Last year was torture - This year? Much better!

    Don't know if anyone remembers me from last year, but long story short, I had a heck of a time getting my pool in order. After much blood, sweat, tears, swearing, threatening to sell my pool, locked and deleted threads, I FINALLY got things in order. Just in time to be able to enjoy the pool for...
  2. G

    Pool Update - The Eagle Has Landed

    Just wanted to give a quick update for those who had been following my ordeal in the last two threads on the subject. After some more cleaning, maintaining chlorine and a wee bit of DE added to the filter, we have a totally swimable pool. Huge thanks to CJ, Leebo, and kimkats for all their...
  3. G

    The Return of the Pool That Just Won't Die

    First off, I'd like to thank CJ for all of his excellent advice in my last thread. His patience with me and my meltdowns is that of no mere mortal. So at this point, I've drained the pool to a ft and refilled. I have my pump going. I also have my new pool measurement of 21ft diameter and 4ft...
  4. G

    Just Bought A House With A Pool...Where to Begin?

    So I just bought a house with an above ground pool. When we looked at the place back in May, it was full of green water. Everything else looked to be in great shape. Since I have no idea if the owners have done anything with it in the time since then, I'm going to assume it's still...